Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

“Ambassador Hotel” Black Bottom Pie

The “black bottom pie” is an ancient staple of Southern home cooking…most often found at church potlucks, family reunions, and Sunday suppers.  It’s not common in home kitchens these days, but a unique institution in Los Angeles, of all places, gave this regional favorite a solid spot on the national dessert roster.  The Ambassador hotel existed from 1921 to 2005, and it’s infamous and legendary nightclub, the Coconut Grove, saw 6 Academy Awards ceremonies, and was residence, performance space, and groove spot for everyone from Errol Flynn to Charlie Chaplin, Barbra Streisand to Liberace, Lucille Ball to Perry Como, Jimmy Stewart, and Joan Crawford.  RFK was assassinated in the hotel kitchen.  The hotel appeared in films like The Graduate, Pretty Woman, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, The Wedding Singer, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.  And the favorite desert at The Ambassador Hotel was…Black Bottom Pie.

The title bacterial infections treatment is a generic term that applies to ANY pie with a chocolate layer on the bottom.  The Ambassador’s version, created by their head chef Henri Bassetti, had a rum-infused, gelatin-stabilized meringue custard as the main filling.  And you can bet that virtually all your favorite stars and politicians tucked into a slice of this heavenly pie at least once in their lifetime.

The recipe was lost to the decades, but pie historian Adrienne Kane resurrected a recipe that I’ve been tweaking for the past week, in preparation for a friend’s retirement party.  She had mentioned in times past that her mother used to make a black bottom pie like they used to serve at the Ambassador, but she had lost the recipe.  And I wanted to give her a trip back down memory lane.

I’ve made a few unconventional choices in this recipe.  The first is to make it in a springform pan, rather than a pie plate.  A springform gives you the kind of depth you want to be able to serve a nice, tall, impressive slice of this pie.  The second choice was the use of sweetened condensed milk over the creation of a cornstarch-thickened milk and sugar paste.  It adds to the richness and stability of the final product.  (You can always make your own sweetened condensed milk if you just can’t handle using canned ingredients.  Google is your friend.)

***PLEASE NOTE***  This recipe uses meringue from raw egg whites.  If you are cooking for those with compromised immune systems, you may wish to substitute pasteurized egg whites.  For my purposes, as long as I know my eggs are organic and from cage-free hens, I have no hesitation eating raw eggs.


Into your food processor, place:

8 ounces gingersnaps

Whizz them until they’re mostly powder with a few larger crumbs for texture.  Pour them into a bowl and add:

1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup melted unstalted butter (half a stick)

Squeeze everything with your fingers until the ingredients are all moistened.  Pour them into a buttered 12″ springform pan and press them firmly and evenly on the bottom and halfway up the sides of the pan.  Bake the crust on the center rack of a preheated 375F oven for about 8 minutes until it is fragrant and just beginning to darken.  Remove it from the oven and let it cool.


Into the bowl of your stand mixer, place:

8 egg yolks
2 Tablespoons water

Beat at medium high speed until the yolks are thick and pale.  Turn the mixer down to the very lowest speed and let it continue.  In a heavy pot, combine:

2 14-ounce cans sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup milk

Heat over medium heat, whisking constantly.  When the milk comes to about 150F, remove it from the heat.  Raise the beating speed of the mixer to medium, and begin pouring the hot milk in a thin stream into the egg yolks.  Continue until all the milk is incorporated, and beat 1 minute longer.  Then pour the mixture back into the heavy pot and return to medium low heat.  Cook, whisking constantly, until the mixture reaches 160F.  Remove from the heat and stir constantly for a minute.  Add:

1 Tablespoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt

Stir thoroughly.  Then pour about 2 cups of the hot custard mixture over:

6 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped

Let the hot custard sit on the chocolate for a few minutes to melt it.  Into the remaining custard, add:

1/2 oz unflavored gelatin (2 standard packages) dissolved in 1/2 cup cold water
1/2 c dark rum

Stir very well, then place the hot custard, still inside the pot, into a chilled water bath to begin to cool it down.

Stir the chocolate/custard mixture briskly until it is smooth.  Then pour the chocolate mixture into the gingersnap crust and smooth it out with a spatula.  Place the crust in the fridge to set the chocolate mixture.

Thoroughly wash out your stand mixer bowl to eliminate ALL traces of fat from the egg yolks and milk.  Dry it thoroughly and add:

6 egg whites
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

Beat to stiff peaks, or just under.  Do NOT overbeat.  If the whites become “chunky” and separate when you run a spoon through them, they are overbeaten and you must start over.

Scrape about 1/3 of the whites into the bowl with the cool custard.  Stir well until it is fully incorporated.  Then scrape the remainder of the whites into the custard and fold gently with a spatula until it is fully mixed.  Scrape the custard meringue into the crust on top of the chocolate layer and place in the fridge to set overnight, or at least for 4 hours.

Optionally, top the pie with a layer of whipped cream and sprinkle on cacao nibs or candied ginger or shaved chocolate just before unmolding.

Before unmolding, run screaming hot water over your knife for about a minute.  Then run the knife around the inside edge of the springform to loosen the custard and crust from the rim.  Then unmold.  Slice the pie carefully with a hot knife, and enjoy!

12 responses to ““Ambassador Hotel” Black Bottom Pie”

  1. Donna Donahue Avatar
    Donna Donahue

    sounds awesome Ben. Though I’d rather you just come and make it for me, you know how I feel about making dessert. blech

  2. Marc Ouellette Avatar

    This looks absolutely decadent, Ben! Just to imagine the flavor of this cake made my blood sugar spike! Sadly, since I am a diabetic (the price of too many sinfully rich meals in my not-so-distant past, alas!) I would have to severely restrict the amount of cake I’d taste… but taste I would, if only to enjoy this amazing cake recipe!

    Any chance you can scrounge up some recipes that would satisfy the palate of people who suffer from the same affliction as me, by any chance? I would be interested in a meal with limited fat, salt and sugar content, along with perhaps a ‘light’ desert…


    1. Ben Avatar

      Marc, I actually don’t eat dessert at all. I grew up with a family that believed processed sugar was the devil, so my mother made all sorts of desserts with honey and sugar substitutes. I have to say, though, that NONE of them are fantastic. When I need to satisfy my own sweet tooth, I typically turn to yummies Mother Nature makes, like strawberries, grapefruit, oranges, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin. Raw or lightly roasted, respectively. When it’s time to restrict your diet, for me it’s all about simplicity.

  3. Elise Avatar

    Ok, chocolate and gingersnaps? I’m having trouble imagining that. I might try it with a chocolate cookie crust.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Elise…chocolate and ginger are FABULOUSLY complimentary. Have you never tried it? Chocolate dipped gingersnaps are downright decadent.

      1. Elise Avatar

        I’ll try it. I adore both, especially wickedly hot gingersnaps.

  4. Gregory Wright Avatar
    Gregory Wright

    Question. Can’t you just pasteurize the egg whites in a double boiler under low heat until they reach 160º? I just made Marie Porter’s swiss butter cream that way and the meringue seemed like regular meringue.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Greg, egg whites begin to coagulate at 150F…were you able to successfully get them to 160F in a double boiler and then make meringue? Butter cream is a different story. You could technically make an Italian meringue by robbing some sugar from the custard, which should pasteurize the whites when the hot syrup hits them. However…I’m sort of fed up with the paranoia over potential salmonella from eggs. You’re far more likely to get salmonella from spinach or cantaloupe or peanut butter than from raw eggs, and if you’re buying free range, organic eggs, the chance is almost unthinkable.

  5. Cathy Hodge Smith Avatar
    Cathy Hodge Smith

    My mother frequented the ambassador during the 30s, 40s and early 50s, long before I was born. Our grandmother was a professional baker for her sister’s rather famous “Parker’s Beanery” in L.A. and this was one of her specialties. My mother was also quite a baker and I remember this pie from my childhood. It was decadently delicious. Loved reading your recipe and techniques. Too rich for my blood, and too complicated for my lower level skills, but a real inspiration. I LOVE all of your recipes Ben Starr. You are my hero!

  6. Andrea Avatar

    Sounds like a diabetic coma waiting to happen… Hospital, here I come! 🙂

  7. Bjorn Avatar

    I just read your response to a reader above regarding Salmonella and your sentiments that “if you’re buying free range or organic, the chance is almost unthinkable”

    The FDA published in 2010 a response to an outbreak of Salmonella E. related to eggs:

    The chance of illness per year 79,000 and death 30 per year related to eggs and Salmonella sp. infection.

    Ben, again…organic has absolutely nothing do with it! Salmonella species are indigenous to the chicken as are the Campylobacter bacterium! Subsequently, it is believed that the Salmonella bacterium exists within the egg. The chicken’s lifestyle has nothing to do with it!

    Ben, Please…with the slap happy litigation way of the USA, I implore you to be mindful of your statements…
    People do look to your blog as a source of information and it appears that you have made it your business to be an educator online, could you please take food borne illness more seriously because thousands of people become ill and thousands die yearly from food borne illness.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Bjorn, salmonella and camphylobacter ARE indigenous to chickens. However, these pathogens enter the human food chain via eggs when the chickens are ingesting feces that drop from the cages of chickens above them.

      Of the 50 salmonella outbreaks since 2006, a grand total of 1 was from eggs. And those were not organic, cage free eggs. There has NEVER been a recorded outbreak of salmonella from organic, cage free eggs. (Of course, these represent a far smaller market share, so an outbreak is statistically less likely.)

      Our country tends to be crippled with fear of food borne illness. Yet making SMART CHOICES about our food is the first step in limiting our exposure to them. Salmonella is NOT a serious disease unless you are immuno-compromised. (And I always mention this when I’m talking about undercooking food in my recipes.) You’ve had salmonella multiple times. I have too. It was that 24 hours of unexplained diarrhea we had a few years back.

      Protecting ourselves obsessively from pathogens makes us MORE VULNERABLE to them when we DO contract them. I believe people are too safe about pathogens. I believe our country is too obsessed over them. Such legislative obsessiveness drives small family farms, which truly care for their animals and know when they are sick, right out of business, leaving only massive industrial farming conglomerates which are so vast they’re almost entirely automated, and those people NEVER know when their animals are sick.

      Know where your eggs come from and trust the person that raises them, and you don’t have to worry about salmonella, unless you’re cooking for a person with a compromised immune system. If you can’t know where your eggs come from and you buy them in the store, buy cage-free eggs and you’re eliminating the vast portion of infection source from salmonella…the regular ingestion of infected feces that drop into the hen’s food supply from the 6 layers of cages above her.

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