Category: Sourdough
Simple Sourdough with Whole Grain Flour
(The “Print” feature is at the bottom of the recipe.) Whole grain flour is actually TERRIBLE for baking bread, for several reasons: -15-18% of the flour is made up of bran and germ, which have NO gluten potential. -Bran is sharp and destroys the gluten network of our bread as the bread rises, leading to…
Simple Sourdough with Freshly Milled Flour
(The “Print” feature is at the bottom of the recipe.) Freshly milled flour is actually TERRIBLE for baking bread, for several reasons: -15-18% of the flour is made up of bran and germ, which have NO gluten potential. -Bran is sharp and destroys the gluten network of our bread as the bread rises, leading to…
Sourdough Shortcake
How to use sourdough starter to make authentic shortcake even more amazing, in this laughably simple cake. Printable recipe at the bottom! Toys in this video: Kitchen scale (Restaurant grade, takes AA batteries or plugs in) Gravy whisk (Fastest way to incorporate starter into liquid ingredients) (I’m an Amazon associate. If you buy from one…
Inclusions / Additions to Simple Sourdough (Adding stuff!)
How add inclusions to my wildly easy Simple Sourdough method. Print link at the bottom of the recipe! RELATED VIDEOS: Simple Sourdough Rethinking Roasted Garlic TOYS IN THIS VIDEO: 4 Quart Cast Iron Dutch Oven (Perfectly sized for this recipe. Black enamel on the inside, won’t discolor after years of use.) My favorite kitchen scale…
Sourdough Buttermilk Biscuits
Y’all…you’ll never taste a better biscuit than this. And only fractionally more complicated than buttermilk biscuits from scratch…which is only fractionally more complicated than dealing with that HORRIBLE refrigerated cylinder of crap from the grocery store. PRINT LINK AT THE BOTTOM! TOYS IN THIS VIDEO: Perfect Pie Blender (The ONLY pastry blender I’ve ever loved)…
Simple Sourdough in a Hurry
Ben Starr, the Ultimate Food Geek, shows you a “cheat” method for getting a loaf of “sourdough” on the table in 2 hours, for those occasions when guests are suddenly coming to dinner and want your famous bread, but you didn’t start a loaf yesterday. Microwave-haters…beware!!! Related videos: How to make sourdough starter.Troubleshooting Simple Sourdough…
Simple Sourdough Sandwich Bread (for lazy people)
Ben Starr, the Ultimate Food Geek, teaches a simple sourdough sandwich bread with no kneading, slapping, or folding, using unfed, cold starter straight from the fridge. (For printable recipe, move to the bottom!) My favorite kitchen scale. (Restaurant grade, takes AA batteries or plug in.) My Pullman loaf pan. My favorite bread knife. (offset handle,…
Simple Sourdough for Lazy People
This recipe has gone viral on YouTube, as it’s vastly easier than most of the other sourdough recipes out there. Please use sleepy, unfed starter straight from your fridge. No kneading for more than a few seconds. No levain/preferments. No stretching, slapping, or folding. You don’t even preheat your oven. Just 5 minutes of effort…
The Easiest Way to Create Sourdough Starter
(Printable link at the bottom of the recipe!) This is the very easiest way to create a viable sourdough starter from ANY flour in about 2 weeks, with almost no effort. Note that if your starter molds during the first week, your home is high in mold spores, and may even be colonized. You can…
Sourdough Chocolate Chip Cookies
This isn’t just a way to cram sourdough starter or discard into a cookie recipe. These cookies are BETTER than the best chocolate chip cookies. Note that this recipe is PERFECTLY balanced for 100% hydration starter, meaning you feed your starter equal WEIGHTS of flour and water each time you feed it. If your cookies…