Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Welcome to!

Welcome, fans, friends, and family!  Whether you discovered me by watching MasterChef USA, HGTV, or The Rachael Ray Show, or if you’ve been a follower of my site across much of its 15-year existence, or stumbled across me more recently, you are very welcome here.  I am humbled to have inherited an amazing fan community from around the world, and it’s a joy to share my unique life with you.

I am so grateful for the joy you’ve all brought into my life, and for sharing your stories and creativity with me!  Cooking is, perhaps, the most human of all experiences, and regardless of your heritage, nationality, religion, or socioeconomic background, when it comes time to celebrate life with those you love…you get in the kitchen to cook.  I think that’s a miracle, and gives food the power to bring people together, break down barriers, and connect in ways we might otherwise not find.

I must thank Ozzie Bock, my wonderful fan in Arkansas, for coming to my rescue when I was at my wit’s end in getting this site live.  And also to one of my dearest friends, Monty Taylor, who basically makes the internet work for all of us, and who also hosts my site.  I must also recognize the free software community, who took the WordPress format and made it such that a blundering boob like me could (with help from Ozzie and Monty, of course) put up a website that can bring people together to celebrate life and food, without having to mortgage my house.  Software is art, just like a perfect recipe, or a timeless painting.  And those who work so hard to give it away for free are heroes in my book.

350 responses to “Welcome to!”

  1. Saeed Oshee Avatar

    woha! what happened! haha Looking forward t see how it pans out… at the moment checking out ur blog on the Master Chef… I see the episode but still like to read it… dunno why… Kind of to see if my thoughts match lol… I am not a good cook.. In fact I ain’t a cook at all 😛 But would like to begin some day! Salam from Dubai!

    1. Kristian Avatar

      Hello Ben :D!
      I love you and i love the way you talk with the food! Like a freaking dexter! Hahaha;P
      I love your kindness. You have a huge passion! Much respect to you!
      I’ll hope i meet some day!:-)
      -Kristian from norway.

  2. Lucy Avatar

    Your website is so beautiful, I want to eat it.

  3. Bree Avatar

    Loving the new site, can’t wait for all the things to come!

  4. Janet Avatar

    Nice website! Particularly enjoying your blogs and recipes! 🙂

  5. Laura Avatar

    Yes, I’m Ben-Starr-struck. 🙂

  6. Kris FOODPORNSTARR Avatar

    and this is why i have dubbed you the gangSTARR

    1. Ben Avatar

      Ha ha ha… Kris, you are charming and magnetic EXACTLY because of the way you express yourself. It comes across loud and clear to me, and I know it will to other people, too. *hugs*

  7. Maria Avatar

    Loving the new website. The photos of all your travels are amazing!

  8. Ravenous Raven Design Avatar

    Ben! Your new website is Awesome 🙂

    Why don’t you give credit to the designer..hint hint. I’m very curious.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Ravenous, I designed the site myself. It’s based on the Coraline theme on WordPress, with very little redesign by me. My superfan Ozzie Bock helped with some PHP blocks, I also got some CSS help from John, the husband of Christine Ha (the blind contestant on MasterChef). Ozzie doesn’t have a website…I asked. But if you need help with WordPress, I’ll get you in touch with him.

  9. Ravenous Raven Design Avatar

    I guess I should say, we want links to your designers!

  10. Mick Avatar

    U deserved to win master chef. you have so the right attitude and are a great individual indeed. i have just watched you get evicted and are really annoyed (at you too lol) now ime going to watch the rest and hope that mr attitude (the unshaven one) does NOT take home the 250k, All the best mate.

  11. harald Avatar

    You really were a highlight on MasterChef, I just watched the episode where you had to go home and even Christian looked sad.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awwww…thanks Harald! Christian was one of my best friends on the show, and is one of my best friends now, a year after. He was very misrepresented on the show. He’s one of the nicest, funniest guys I’ve ever met!

      1. Deny Avatar

        Me too: I was so surprised by the disappointement of Christian!! It means you’re really amazing!

      2. Gregory Wright Avatar
        Gregory Wright

        I never understood the hate that Christian got. I always liked him on the show, felt he was just really honest and could back up anything he said. Despite how he got edited, I really thought he came off well.

      3. Misunderestimated Hero of Losers Avatar
        Misunderestimated Hero of Losers

        You, Adrien, Christian were the big 3 for me (not to say I didn’t like others). I just finished watching the season.

        Christian was just very confident and competitive, with reason to be. Most of the time he said “I’m great’. Just talking about himself. He constantly acknowledge other people’s strengths and used phrases “I think” or “no disrespect but”. In reality the winner to me seemed more childish, foul-mouthed, less talented, petty, and irrational. With the way she spoke about Christian and how Gordon Ramsey was coming down so hard on Christian–I was with Joe on the eating while she presented thing, but i understand.–, how everybody villainized him…I think maybe that got to him a bit. A lot of extra psychological opposition for a guy who has had to prove himself his whole life. I related to him. Sad to see him go.

        And you were the most entertaining, heartwarming, easily relatable guy! I also think you had a ton of talent and creativity.

        What’s done is done. I’m not saying Jen was a straight up bad cook any means. Just saying I would’ve one of you three have won, she didn’t deserve to win, and that Christian told the truth about Gordon Ramsey when they hugged–pretty sure Ramsey proved that in the season.

        Regardless, thank you for being on my TV. Wish you the best of luck.

        1. Ben Avatar

          Well, thanks so much! Your insight is really interesting. It’s been 2 years since my season aired, and lots of new drama has arisen with the show of late, so I don’t think much about my season any more. Thanks for bringing back memories!!

  12. Lin Avatar

    Good luck Ben! You ere my favorite character on Masterchef, and I was really rooting for you! I’ll still continue to root for you.

  13. Jenny Avatar

    Hello Ben! I’m currently watching MS2. I’m a bit after, but it’s because I live in Sweden. They don’t really broadcast MS here. But I just watched the episode where you were eliminated. I got so disappointed and sad at that very moment. Because in such a short time, you became my biggest inspiration and favorite contestant! You had the brightest energy and the greatest potential out of everyone. I’m not really talented with cooking, but I love baking. One day I’ll recreate the Pumpkin Carrot Cake that you made. You made MS so enjoyable to watch. You inspired me as an individual to thrive forward and not be afraid of whatever is ahead. I wish you the best out of the best in the near future. I hope one day I’ll get to see you and your unforgettable bubbly personality. Best of luck!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Jenny, thank you SO MUCH for your kind words! I’ve been getting lots of love from Swedish fans recently. Some day I hope to visit your country!!!

  14. Dane Tullock Avatar

    Hey Ben,icing the new site so far. Can’t wait till you head out here to New England so that we can do an episode of CITGO with you & Christian! Keep up the good work & injecting positive energy into the culinary community.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks, Dane! Gonna try to make my way out there this fall. Cheers!

  15. Dane Tullock Avatar

    Ugh “icing” should be “loving”. Foiled by autocorrect yet again!

  16. Christian Avatar

    Hello Ben! I just finished the second season of Masterchef and I really wanted to thank-you for contributing to the show with your awesome enthusiasm and positivity. Your passion and excitement really brought the show up to a new level of entertainment. After reading previous comments, I thought that it was interesting that Christian was portrayed in such a negative way while you describe him as really nice. This insight actually elevated my interest further into Masterchef because it paints a much more complex picture of the relationship between the production and reality. In many ways, my (simplistic) early interpretation of the show was almost a dichotomy, you were the good guy and Christian (and earlier Max) was… well… ya. Thank-you very much and I really hope to see you on TV some day!

  17. Andrea (from Argentina) Avatar
    Andrea (from Argentina)

    Ben Starr, you are THE man. You and your website are as amazing as your food.

  18. Rebecca Avatar

    I have been such a fan of you from Masterchef and cheering you on from the start! I love your enthusiasm, your love and passion for food, your incredible humility, and I cannot wait to see you shinning as the star you are up there doing exactly what you’re meant to do! Keep it up!

  19. Ezraella Avatar

    OK Ben…I am a fan of yours as well AND a homebrewer, winemaker, and I teach a breadmaking class uses spent grains from my beer. WHERE are your beer recipes? Especially the pumpkin ale? LOL. Get with it friend!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks, Ezraella! I’ve had quite a few requests for a beer recipes page, so I’ll be putting that up this fall. You can find my pumpkin ale recipe on Homebrewtalk if you search for my name there!

  20. Carla Avatar

    Hi Ben. Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed watching you on MasterChef. I really feel like the Season 2 cooks were the best of all the contestants. That said, I was wondering if you know what became of Adrien? Also, do you really believe he was a better cook than Jennifer?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Carla, Adrien and I are VERY good friends. He and Derrick are currently opening a restaurant in Ventura called Hollywood Beach Wine. Check them out!

      1. Misunderestimated Hero of Losers Avatar
        Misunderestimated Hero of Losers

        Amusing, Derrick was the other one I wouldn’t have minded to see winning. Didn’t think Max would win but that would’ve been HILARIOUS. Talk about under dog rising, would’ve been a nice contrast to last season’s winner. One of the more amusing ones that kid, just his accent alone was funny. And not in a “I’m laughing at you” way. More like, if you cursed me out and “served” me in public, I’d be one of the ones applauding you. Should totally do movies.

  21. mvelo Avatar

    I had to google you after watching season 2 of masterchef. I must say for me you were the winner. Your sense of humor,good heart and your dishes were the reason why I watch. Good luck on your website, I like it!!

  22. Carter Mitten Avatar
    Carter Mitten

    Hey Uncle Ben ready for thanksgiving? I know I am!! Just wondering can you make the stuffing to besides the turkey? Haha

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Carter! I am excited about Thanksgiving! I can’t wait to cook with you!

  23. Glen Avatar

    Ben, I watched Season Two several times now and each time I am amazed at your your performance. You were an inspiration to watch and I hope you found success after the show.


    PS: that shepherd’s pie looked amazing.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks SO MUCH, Glen!

  24. Sandy Avatar

    You were awesome on the show 😀
    My brother, sister and I were rooting for you and can’t wait to see you back on TV.
    Have you considered doing a web series on your own on the side as you wait patiently for otherthings to fall through?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Sandy! I have definitely considered this. My schedule is currently too busy to permit that, but I’m hoping that in late fall I can produce a web series. *hugs*

  25. Crystal Saunders Avatar

    Hello Ben! My husband and I have definitely Ben Starr-Struck!! We just watched the episode where you you eliminated… I literally got all teary eyed! I have recently started cooking, and would like to try my hand at your amazing sounding pumpkin carrot cake (carrot cake is my absolute fav!!!)! I will definitely be following you on the web, and would LOVE to see you with your own show!!

    Great call on adding the beer to the sausages for the biker challenge, by the way!! That is how it supposed to be done!!

    xoxo, Crystal

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks so much, Crystal! Big hugs to you and your hubbie!

  26. Elyssa Avatar

    Hi Ben! I just finished watching Masterchef season 2 (yes, a little late I know!) and I just wanted to let you know how incredibly inspiring you were to watch. Your passion for cooking just shines through and I truly believe that you have the ability to change so many lives. As a college student who has very little cooking experience, you give me the faith to believe that I could follow my passion for cooking regardless of my inability to go to culinary school. I hope all the best for you and if you ever come out with a cookbook, I will be first in line to buy it! You are truly incredible!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Elyssa, you are SO sweet, thanks so much for leaving me this message. I wish you the best of luck in your future! You DON’T need to go to culinary school to have a future in food. (In fact, staging or “interning” in restaurants is a FAR better way to get into the industry and learn, and you don’t have to go into debt to do it.) I actually did publish a cookbook back in 2007…you can learn about it by clicking COOKBOOKS at the top of the screen. Have an awesome week!

  27. Angilly Avatar

    hello Ben..

    I’m your biggest fan here in the Philippines.

    You such a lively person Ben.. I have watched the whole episodes of master chef season two.

    You’re the STARr of the show..
    Looking forward for more updates from you.. CHEER!

  28. Jan Avatar

    Hi, Ben! I am currently entralled by MC3, but I certainly remember you from last year. The episode where you won the challenge with your cake was absolutely one of the best. I hope that you are able to bring your new dreams to fruition! Best of luck to you!

  29. Giuseppe Avatar

    Hi, Ben. Just finished watching Masterchef Season 2 and I must say you stole the show. Your enthusiasm, excitement, and passion for food is inspiring. I really enjoyed watching you on the show and I believe you should have definitely been in the final three if not the final two. Good luck with your future plans and I hope we will see you on tv again in the near future.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thank you so much, Giuseppe!

  30. Michael Young Avatar
    Michael Young

    last year I tried your gingerbread recipe. Om Nom Nom!!! Best tasting gingerbread recipe I’ve ever tried. You’re awesome Ben.

  31. anna Avatar

    you are the best…smilling ,positive,,,,you should win

  32. Philly Avatar

    Good luck, dude. i’m glad to help you in any small way i can. i love your recipes and your personality. keep it real.

  33. islam Avatar

    Dud ! You rock 😀 i wish that one day to see u cook live in egypt ! to see that u are in the same level like masterchef or better 😀 wish the best for you 🙂

  34. aurora Avatar

    me encantaria verte en otro programa me quede con mas ganas de ver a benn!!! y que te veamos aca por mexico tambien………….I would love to see you in another program.. left me with..” i want more ben” and also in mexico tv

  35. Mei Wei Avatar
    Mei Wei

    i watched Master chef season two in france with my husband. When you had to leave the show, we almost cried. You are a beautiful human being who shows us integrity, humility and love. Bon courage and we thank you for ur good energy on tv.

    1. Ben Avatar

      What an honor for someone in the center of the culinary universe to give me such compliments! France is such a magical place. I visit Bretagne often. Merci!!!

  36. Andrea Avatar


    Ever since I saw you come into the MasterChef kitchen with your pumpkin print apron and hat, I was rooting for you. You gave the series a nice dose of humor and cheerfulness that it pretty much needed due to the evergoing drama. People like you are a rare treasure, and I hope you continue being that way. You now have a fan in Colombia (who’ll move to TX soon). I’ll check your recipes from now on!

    A hug from Colombia,


    1. Ben Avatar

      Thank you so much, Andrea! Your words are SO sweet. Let me know when you move to Texas!

      1. Andrea Avatar

        Oh, I shall! 😀

      2. Andrea Avatar

        Hey, Ben! Wanted you to know I’ll be moving to TX on December the 1st. Just keeping you posted as you wished! 🙂

        1. Ben Avatar

          Great, news, Andrea! Good luck with the move. What city are you settling in?

          1. Andrea Avatar

            I’m in Houston, actually. Arrived on Sunday

  37. Ana Avatar

    Hello Big Ben,
    Your exit from Masterchef was aired yesterday here in Portugal and it was so devastating, my family was all rooting for you! Of course, I had to Google you to see what you had been up to since then, and I’m very glad to see your quest to your very own tv show! I have no doubt that it will all work out, the “tv world” would be crazy not to have you. Boa sorte and never stop cooking!

  38. Desmond Avatar

    Hello Ben,

    I got to your site after i watched the episode 17 of Master Chef season 2….
    Your attitude throughout the competition is really a good example for others.
    Not to mention your passion, spirit and positiveness are so inspiring……….
    Really love you 🙂 Hope your dream will come true soon and flourish
    in the most colourful way.

    From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  39. Soraia Avatar

    Hi Ben my name is Soraia And i´m Portuguese ,and i´d like to make you a question do you have a book of recipes?so i can buy it?or do you speak a little portuguese ? so i can talk to you ?:-)
    lots of hugs 🙂

    1. Ben Avatar

      Bom dia, Soraia! I only speak a little Portuguese. My partner is from Brasil. I do have a cookbook. You can click MY COOKBOOKS from any page on my site to see it! *beijos*

  40. Eirinmarie Avatar

    Loved watching you on masterchef. My question for you is there going to be a general masterchef season 2 cookbook. I have found the cookbooks for 1 and 3 but I have not seen anything for your season. And I thought your group mades some awesome foods.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, there! There was a cookbook for Season 1, but for Season 2 we issued a special MasterChef Magazine from Taste of Home. You may be able to find it used on Amazon, I’m not sure. There is no Season 3 cookbook…the cookbook just released covers recipes from ALL 3 seasons!

  41. LittleLadyLearning2Cook Avatar

    Hi ben,
    My name is Wanda and i just want to share my interest in your page. I’m currently learning to cook and I use your recipes as inspiration. Love your honest & warm persona and of course your recipes. I watched MasterChef 2, you won in my eyes. Keep up the good work and best of luck on your journey. Sincerely, Little Lady Learning 2 Cook.
    P.s. I just made your pumpkin pie recipe and I LOVE IT. Thanks:)

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Wanda! I am SO honored that you’ve been learning to cook with my recipes. And VERY proud of you! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  42. Nobels Jennifer Avatar
    Nobels Jennifer

    Hello Ben.
    I’m from Belgium and really je vous adore!!
    My boyfriend and I really luuuuuuuved you on Masterchef! You’re original, one of a kind and really admire you. I also LOVE hawaii (I really want to go there, haven’t been there yet:( ). I wish you good luck and thank you for being an inspire to me. To never give up on life and keep on holding on ^^

    Big kisses from Belgium

  43. Paolo Ferlaino Avatar
    Paolo Ferlaino

    Hey well I think you had to win Masterchef 2 … you were the BEST … Of course you’re even now: D

  44. Enayat Avatar

    Ben, I hope you get back on TV soon. You were very exciting and entertaining to watch. Good luck and hope to see more of ya!

  45. chelseag2h Avatar

    I just saw your video about How to Make a Sparkle Ball. Love it! I’d love to see more of your homemade Christmas decorations. And, of course, more how-to videos.

  46. olesea Avatar

    hi from Moldova (not Maldives!) ! i saw MasterChef {all 3 season} like a million times, last night went to bed around 2 in the morning caught up in reading you entries about the show. still have some more to go. yuhuuuuuuuuuu

  47. Connie Avatar

    Hey Ben…I will be the first to admit never watched you or Master Chef as I do not have time for t.v. much. Anyhow, found you on youtube and was looking for a pie dough recipe and found yours first and saw that it was linked with the pumkin/p’can pie recipe. I have done many pie shells thanks to you, and will be doing the pie recipe in a couple of days for Christmas. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, you Rock big time and look forward to following you!!! Merry Christmas and a very Happy 2013 New Year Ben Starr!!!!

  48. Ofelia Avatar

    Hello Ben. I’m from Portugal and I’m watching Masterchef season 2 episode 17 on internet. Until now I don´t know who won the competition but you are my favorite chef. I love your recipes, the way you cook it, and you because you are so happy and crazy! I will look (on your site) for the recipe of this wonderfull pie you just cook. Now, back to episode 17. Best wishes for 2013. Hugs from Portugal. Ofélia

  49. gie Avatar

    Hi Ben. I’m from Manila, Philippines. I’ve have CDs MasterChef , I’ve watched season 3 before then I’ve watched this Season 2 with u in it…of all contestants u are my fav!! Your zest in Life is an inspiration…and i was sad when u had to leave but overjoyed when u came back at the finalle to watch Jenny , Christian & Adrian… thanks to Internet , nowadays u can send a note or greetings to someone at the other side of the globe!! Am happy to see ur video in Puna, Hawaii wc is so beautiful place on earth and i like to see you happy!!! Take care Ben !!! God Bless U and love-ones!!!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thank you so much, Gie! I’m so glad the internet has been able to connect me with wonderful fans like you. *hugs*

  50. Gie Tienzo Avatar

    Ben , you are soooo Sweeet guy!! Thanks so much… i don’t feel just as a fan but a friend to u Ben !!

  51. Azi and James Avatar

    Our names are Azierena and James and we’ve been watching season two of Masterchef. We just saw the episode where you got eliminated and we both cried like babies because you were our favorite! You are wacky, wild, and moderately insane, and we can’t wait to come and eat at your restaurant one day (seriously, get on that). Good luck with your career.
    Two fans

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awww…thanks so much, you guys! I enjoyed listening to some of your songs on YouTube just now! Cheers!

  52. Pepijn Lempke Avatar

    Hi Ben, watching the episodes in the Netherlands at the moment, bit late, but never late then….
    I used to be a chef myself for 20 years and I do recognize myself in you, just a crazy man in the good sense of the word.It’s an eye opener to me to see you in the way I was inspired by food. Shame my life turned out a bit different.I just wanted to tell you that I so enjoyed watching you and I know for sure that you must be an incredible nice man.
    All the best form a wintery Amsterdam

    1. Ben Avatar

      Pepijn, thank you so much for your wonderful message! I love Amsterdam, and had one of the best meals of my life there in the home of a chef who has a tiny restaurant in her garage. Her name is Hannah. Such wonderful memories. All the best!!!

  53. karo Avatar

    Dear Ben Starr. I really admire Your cooking style. Thanks You I really understood what is cooking and how to cook with love and passion. And I think its really important.. Best wishes, Karo

  54. Emilie Avatar

    Dear Ben,
    I just finished watching Masterchef and I was so so disappointed to see you eliminated 🙁 Your positivity, excitement and energy have inspired me throughout the season, you are an absolutely wonderful person. I am an aspiring chef, only 19, but studying hospitality management, and I wish to be as positive as you are in life. I hope you have had only the best after Masterchef, I saw you have a restaurant – that is wonderful. Good luck and take care. I hope you still have that amazing pumpkin chef hat :)))

    1. Ben Avatar

      Emilie, you are SO SWEET, thank you so much! I wish you the best in your culinary future!!!

  55. Vida Avatar

    Hi Ben Starr,

    I am watching the masterchef season 2 episode 16 these days, and really love you and Christian. I can’t believe that you are eliminated and Christian is not the champion (I read the result from internet)!!! So I decided to stop watching it…T_T….By the way, I am from China…Lots of my friends think you are so cute and Christian should be the champion!!! so sad and disappointed……….
    Your positivity and lovely laughing really inspire me a lot!!! Thanks!!
    and Wish you have a happy and prospective new year and future!!

    BTW….I don’t think Christian is arrogant as what he presented in the show, because at the beginning he is nice and he is applauding everytime for others…

    Haha, wish you could travel to China one day~~maybe you will fall in love with Chinese food~~~

  56. kristinasyvariKristina Avatar


    I was just watching the season 2 of Master Chef. I wanted to say that you are such a pure soul and genius in kicken. I wish there were more people like you!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Kristina, you are SO sweet! Thank you so much.

  57. Alex Bautista Avatar
    Alex Bautista

    Hey Ben! You were awesome in Season 2 and I enjoyed every minute of it! One question: do you remember what episode it was where you finally cooked Gordon that shepherd’s pie?! I’m having trouble finding it 🙁

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Alex! That was the episode where I was eliminated, so it’s the episode where there are 5 of us left. It should be the third-to-last episode.

  58. eva de jong Avatar
    eva de jong

    hello! i love the way you cook. I desperately cried when you left! i love you!!!! pleas cook for me!!! 😉

  59. Lili Avatar

    Hi! I think you should have a youtube channel only for the Ben Starr cook :), because I wanted to see if you made any video on your own but then it’s all mixed up with your traveling.
    I hope you get the recognition you deserve 🙂 Improve this website!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Lili, thanks so much for your message! I would love to hear any suggestions you have on improving the site!

  60. Weronika Avatar

    Hi Ben! I’m from Poland, today I watched the episode of Masterchef in which you lost. I felt really sad when it happened, ’cause I’ve been rooting for you from the very beginning of the show You’re adorable and I simply love watching you cook. You should visit Poland someday and try our food. You wouldn’t be dissapointed, that’s for sure! I wish you best of luck and a lot of success!

  61. Michal Avatar

    Cześć Ben oglądłem i kibicowałem tobie w masterchef, od tamtej pory oglądam ciebie na youtube, jestem z polski też kocham gotować i jeść pozdrawiam Ben Starr

  62. Valeria Avatar

    Hi Ben 🙂 well i saw you on fb does’t matter i want to say hi here too lol this is a really cool page….. i love this and is good to know about you hope you to come Ecuador soon 🙂 od bless you Ben 😀

  63. Yanis Avatar

    Hi Ben! Suzy is arrogant, don’t you agree?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Yanis, Suzy is actually really delightful. We all adored her. I’ve been to visit her in Chicago twice. Just remember that HUNDREDS of hours of footage are shot for 1 hour of an episode. The editors pick and choose exactly what they want the audience to see. They could have edited me to sound arrogant, too.

      1. Yanis Avatar

        Thanks for the reply! Yes, it’s the editors pick which make the show interesting… But, nice to know she is delightful! You deserved to win it! Christian is hilarious, he’s cute when he’s arrogant! You’re so humble as always, you never let anyone down! I’m from Hong Kong and I am a boy… I’m your biggest fan!

  64. Bea Avatar

    I think it’s impossible that you seem arrogant! you are my favourite of masterchef. I wanted that you won! kisses from Italy (did you visit Italy?).

    1. Ben Avatar

      Bea, I have been to Italy many times! My partner’s sister lives in Palermo. I adore Italy! *baci*

  65. Matthew Herrington Avatar
    Matthew Herrington

    Do u have a resturant someone opened a resturant in Houston, TX

    1. Ben Avatar

      Matthew, my restaurant is in Dallas. The winner of MasterChef 3, Christine HA, lives in Houston and plans on opening a restaurant, but it won’t be for another year or two.

  66. Maura Lima. Avatar
    Maura Lima.

    Hi Ben, I love you from the heart, and I wish him success in all areas of your life, watch masterchef just to see you and never get tired of looking at you, that God is always with you … sorry for my horrible english, haha, I’m a Brazilian girl, kisses!

  67. Maura Lima. Avatar
    Maura Lima.

    Ben? 🙁 i like it

  68. Jayme Miller Avatar
    Jayme Miller

    Ben, my husband and I never watch TV, only Netflix, and somehow we ended up watching the whole season of MasterChef when you were on! Wishing you the best of luck in your endeavors. Oh, and this is random, but… would you just tell me something I could bring to my next vegetarian pot luck for my book club please!

    1. Ben Avatar

      HI, Jayme! You’re so sweet, thank you. A vegetarian potluck? For something complex and impressive, try my Smoked Mozzarrella, Eggplant, and Mushroom Fritters. If you want something a bit easier, you can try my Mao Farms Vegetarian Curry which uses either green payapa or green mango, and will be a sure hit. (Check ethnic markets for unripe papaya or mango. They won’t be sold as such, though many Asian markets DO sell unripe green papaya for Thai papaya salad, but just feel them and if they’re hard, they’re still unripe and will work perfectly for the recipe.)

  69. Katie Avatar

    I am watching season 2 all over again, you captured our hearts, I certainly hope you will be back with your own show!!! Good luck!!

  70. Adrian Avatar

    Ben, I’m amazed how You can still find time to answer people, to their comments. I personally did not watch the show… to see you all, how you make those incredible dishes 🙂 I watched it because it was hell of a fun to watch You and Your friends as you overcome problems in kitchen that has been given to you. I was very entertained to watch You, because You spread joy and happyness everywhere You are. You are not just only inspiring as a chef, but as a wonderfull, full of laugh, guy, that makes everybody smile. Thank You for that, and i wish You luck on Your journey with cooking. Sorry for my English. Adrian. 🙂

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awww…thanks so much, Adrian! Where are you from?

      1. Adrian Avatar

        I’m from Poland 😀 No problem. I wanted to share with you my opinion 🙂 It is sorry that not so many people watch You on Youtube. I think they don’t know about Your channel.

  71. gabriela aguilera Avatar

    hi ben, i really admire your passion, the emotion in every dish! so positive, so proactive, so intense, you are a great inspiration of every one, no matter what we do, we discover with your attitude that every work , must be done with perfection, you are blessed, use your talents to make the people happy, i really admire you, regards! Gabriela from mexico.

  72. Joshua Smith Avatar
    Joshua Smith

    Ben, thanks for being so hilarious on Masterchef. My wife and I just finished watching season 2 and seeing you back at the end made the entire epsiode for us. I know you hear it a lot, but you were our favorite contestant and the show just wasn’t as good without you there. Good luck with the Australian Tastemaster job!

  73. Barbra Nystrom Avatar

    I totally agree w the Smith¨s of yesterday! Crossed my fingers for you from the very start, and since your elimination I’ve been wondering where your life-path led you. Just finding your page now, I’m happy to know a little more.. Wishing you ALL THE BEST in your future wanderings!!! And Thank you for excellent TV-entertainement!!
    Kind Regards from Norway, where we just finished ‘your’ MasterChef-season! / BN

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hei, Barbra! Welcome to my page and thank you so much for your kind words. Cheers!

  74. John Avatar

    Hey Ben! me and my girlfriend just finished watching the MS season. So wanted you to win but what an amazing journey you had / having!
    Felt compelled to google what you are up to now!
    My favourite moment was the pride you had in the amazing layered cake you made!!! got a bit watery eyed myself!!!
    So glad to see you are doing so well! FRANK looks intriguing!
    Take care! much love!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awww…thanks so much John! I’m so glad you sought me out. Stick around! This is an amazing community of people who love food and life!

  75. Kim Reynolds Avatar

    Ben, I have made your site the homepage on my iPad. I always check here first for yummy new recipes. NOTHING I have made from from your site has ever come out bad. You inspire me to new heights in my cooking endeavors!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Kim, what an honor! Thank you so much!

  76. aussiesue Avatar

    g’day. I have a special photo (one only) to send you, but with me being an oldie (IT immigrant, defnitely not an IT native) i have no idea how to send it to you. please advise. thanks heaps. (ps if you dont want to post details on your site, please feel free to email me instead). cheers

  77. Dung Kim Avatar
    Dung Kim

    hi,ben…..l love you very much….

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awwww….thank you so much! *hugs*

  78. Lisa Avatar

    Hello Ben! My name is Lisa, Im a home cook, and want to go to culinary school, ive been watching master chef and all the food network shows and learned a LOT. id like to get better and better, i hope someday to meet you and maybe you can teach me a few things 🙂 im a good listener and love to learn new things. how hard was it on master chef? are the judges (particularly Gordon Ramsey and Joe Bastianich ) are they really as scary in person as they seem on tv? Do you keep in touch with them at all either?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Lisa! Gordon and Joe are actually very nice in person…their “meanness” is just an act for the camera! We contestants occasionally interact with the judges online, mostly on Twitter. But we don’t “talk” like friends…all 3 guys are VERY busy!

  79. Avatar

    Hi Ben, I am also brazilian, living in Germany. I was cheering for you during masterchef!!! You are my favorite and still a winner for me! Please if you and your partner come to Germany (close to Frankfurt) I would love to invite you to come to the 3 Michelin star Amador restaurant. Abracos e lembrancas da Alemanha, Flavio.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Brigado, Flavio! *beijos*

      1. Avatar
  80. Dung Kim Avatar
    Dung Kim

    lam from Vietnammes,I love you and i love the way you talk with the food! Like a freaking dexter!
    I love your kindness. You have a huge passion! Much respect to you!

  81. Reina Martinez Avatar
    Reina Martinez

    Hi Ben! My name is Reina & i was one of the top 100 contestants on MC4 this year! it was an experience to say the least! Obviously i didn’t get any airtime except a few snippets here & there & hugging Bime when he got his apron LOL! My interview was hysterical in a good way but kinda pornographic bcuz i’m a Brazilian Bikini waxer by trade and Joe, Graham & Gordon had a field day with questions for me! they were crying they were laughing so hard! Anyways i really enjoyed watching u on MC2, u were definitely my favorite! Who would’ve thought i’d be talking to u about this! Even last year at this time i would’ve never thought i’d try out for a TV show! Good luck on your venture, it looks like your’e having a blast!!!!!!! XO

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Reina! Congrats for being bold and taking a chance on being on MasterChef! I wish we had gotten to see more of you. I hope the experience was largely positive for you and that you made some amazing new friends! *big hugs*

  82. Bea Avatar

    I know that I’m overwhelming you with my comments in these days, but I’d also like to know if you have ever watched Masterchef Italia and what do you think about it. (I also wanted to ask if somebody could eat Masterchef’s food, but I read the answer in another post…I’m happy that the food wasn’t wasted!) Baci

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Bea! I have never watched MasterChef Italia. My partner’s sister lives in Palermo and she watches every episode and tells me about it. She also said that when they aired MasterChef USA in Italia, all our voices were dubbed into Italian and that the guy who did my voice sounded very funny!

      1. Bea Avatar

        Yes, it’s true! 🙂 Now in Italy we are watching your season again

  83. Grace Avatar

    Oh my God. I’m messaging Ben Starr. Oh my God. Haha…

    Well, hi, it’s me, your biggest fan. =^^= And I’m here to tell you that I admire your passion, your talent, your selfless love for people. Seriously. Everyone I know who watched last season would say: “Omg, Ben Starr’s amazing, I want him to win!” You’re just a wonderful person. We were all sad to see you go.

    I wanted to tell you that watching on the show inspired me to apply to the Culinary Institute of America. Basically, you motivated me to begin my life over again. Thank you so much for that. Never lose that passion you have. Best of luck with your career; you’ve made it so far, and God knows you’ll make it farther.

    Much hugs,

    1. Ben Avatar

      Grace, CONGRATULATIONS on going to CIA! That’s very impressive. I wish you all the best!!!

  84. Grace Avatar

    Oh! And by the way, you’re adorable.

  85. William Tornato Avatar
    William Tornato

    Hi Ben,
    I’ve just watched season 2 of Masterchef USA up to the episode where you left the race to the finale.
    It was heartbreaking to see you go. I know nothing of us beside what i’ve seen on the screen, but you radiated so much joy, so much enthusiasm, and so much optimism. My heart goes to you Ben, and whatever you’re doing right now, i hope you’re enjoying it. I also hope you can follow your dream and continue cooking amazing dishes!

    – From France 🙂
    (please, forgive any mistake i have made. Still learning English)

    1. Ben Avatar

      Merci beaucoup, William!

  86. akhilesh Avatar

    your fan since your signature dish (audition of course) !! you were the real winner of masterchef but you know what. you’re won us all!!

    a food lover from mauritius 🙂

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awwww..thank you so much Akhilesh! You are the first fan I have heard from Mauritius. I have ALWAYS wanted to visit your island!

      1. akhilesh Avatar

        lets hope one day you’ll decide to give us some of your footprints on our island. will be an enormous pleasure to welcome you. besides you’ll be surprised how diversified our island is regarding the culinary style. 🙂

  87. Kerri Avatar

    Ben, do you do appearances, say – to groups or clubs? Would love to discuss via email if you’re open to that.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Kerri! I do all sorts of appearances and classes. Just contact me through the site!

  88. Britiney Avatar

    I think you’re probably one of the kindest, most humble chefs i’ve seen on Masterchef. You’re definitely one of my favorite chef 🙂 One of the best qualities about you in my opinion is the passion and excitement when it comes to cooking. You’re an inspiration!! I’m absolutely a big fan!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thank you SO MUCH, Britiney! *big hugs*

  89. Tino Avatar

    Ben. who do you want to win masterchef season 4? :DD

    1. Ben Avatar

      Tino, that’s a tough question. I’m not really invested in ANY of the characters this season. If I had to pick one right now, it would be Lynn.

      1. Voj Avatar

        And after Lynn is out :P?

  90. Stacey Avatar

    Just discovered masterchef and watched you bake a pumpkin layer cake. You are kind and goofy — the kind of human being who makes the world around him a better place. Love the way you keep humour and decency under pressure. Kudos!

  91. Annamaria Avatar

    Hi Ben, I’m from Brazil and Masterchef season 2 is reprising here. I have already watched that on youtube, in television, and now I’m watching again just to see you! I love your sense of humor, your skills and humility. Cheers from south america and I’m sorry for the bad english.

  92. Danyell Jones Avatar

    Hi Ben! I just did a Masterchef binge, and I absolutely LOVED you! Thanks for getting out there- I now have to sample some of your recipes and force my family to develop their palettes!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awesome, Danyell. You’re super sweet. Welcome to my site!

  93. Christine Avatar

    Hi! My name is Christine! I’m a really big fan of yours, Christine Ha, Whitney Miller, and the Christine from your season. And u are super AWESOME!!! Nice to see Christian isn’t as bad as the tv made him seem. I cried when u left the competition, I thought u would win the whole thing! I aspire to be a chef too! But I’m still learning how to cook.

    And did u watch Junior Masterchef Australia?

    -From Singapore(did u visit Singapore before?)

    1. Ben Avatar

      Christine, I haven’t watched MC Jr Australia, but MC Jr USA will air its first season this fall, and I’m VERY excited! I have never been to Singapore before, but I’ve been to both countries to your north! Maybe some day! (If it gets cheaper…)

  94. Shrey Thaker Avatar
    Shrey Thaker

    Ben, I first want to say that you are “absolutely sublime” -Gordon Ramsay. I wanted to ask you a couple questions; is there a chance for previous contestants like you to come onto masterchef again like on season 5? How do you feel about season 4 compared to your season?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Shrey, there is no practical chance for someone who landed in the top 18 to come back for a future season, unless it’s a reunion or “all star” show. Of course, as soon as I say that, it will happen for someone to build excitement and suspense. Regarding the comparison between Season 4 and my season…there’s a lot more psychological manipulation this year in a specific attempt to pit the contestants against each other to encourage fierce, fight-to-the-death competition. There was only a little of that during my season. This season it’s out of control.

  95. fatima Avatar

    You’re quite inspirational Ben..I’m a big fan…where can I read about your travel writtings???? Do you hav an online blog for that as well or are you just focusing on food these days??

    1. Ben Avatar

      Fatima, there’s a TON of travel writing on this site. You can check this link for my travel stories:

      Most of my published travel writing was in print in the early 2000s.

  96. Bea Avatar

    I discovered that one of the judges of Junior MasterChef Italia will be Lidia Bastianich! I look forward to watching it

  97. Nukkis Avatar

    Hi Ben, I’m watching MasterChef here in Finland and I have to say that you are funny and cute!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awwww…thanks Nukkis!

  98. Tom Avatar

    Truth to be told I was not a fan of you while watching your season of MC. 🙂 I hope that doesn’t Change your attitude towards me. BUT I am a fan of you now. I like the many skills you have, the insights you give, the knowledge you share. All in all I like the attitude here! 🙂
    I am from the south of Austria, living near the Italian border. My cooking is influenced a bit by my grandma and the stuff we learned at catering school but mostly by travelling the south of Europe, cook books and maybe even cooking Shows (not really the MC-series…more Jamie Oliver and German Shows). Unfortunately the world seems to be obsessed by Asian Food, Italian Food, Spanish Food and French Food. While there are many good reasons to adore these regional cuisines, it is sad that one rarely sees food from the region of the old Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (Austria, Hungary, Slovene, Croatia, Check Republic and many more….)

    1. Ben Avatar

      Well better late than never, Tom! And you’re certainly not the first person to say that. A lot of now-fans disliked me greatly on the show. “He’s not really crying, he’s faking it to get airtime.” “He’s not really that loud or crazy, he’s just hogging airtime.” “His mom really doesn’t make those stupid hats, he’s just wearing them to get noticed.” I actually got on a LOT of people’s nerves. For those of you who gave me a second chance outside of MasterChef…I am grateful.

  99. ghimmymore Avatar

    Hi Ben! I have only started watching Masterchef Season 2 recently and I am a huge fan of you. Really love your passion, enthusiasm and personality! Keep cooking and inspiring! Love from Singapore. :3

  100. Nhao Avatar

    Ben, could you add a Search box in your blog? 🙂 for, e.g. sometimes I wonder if you’ve written about blackberries somewhere because I’ve just harvested a chunk from the garden, et cetra… 🙂 Your blog is like an electronic cooking guide (among other great purposes) for me, and I’d like to be able to “search” it.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Nhao, I am in the process of working out a fully indexed search feature for the site!

  101. Bruce Avatar

    Was sad to see you not make it further in Masterchef, but #5 is still really great. You were my favorite personality on the show, although I have to admit not being able to see Jennie’s beautiful face was sad too! 🙂 Good to see you and Jennie having a food business together. Good luck!

  102. salam Avatar

    Hi Ben currently we watching master chef in Iraq and I would like to say you are very beloved all my family like your character and today was the episode when you left the show which made us really sad 🙁 we wish you better chances in your life and be the best cooker ever

    1. Ben Avatar

      Mas Salaama, Salam! Thank you so much for your comment, and I am very honored that you took the time to send me this message. I don’t have the space to convey all my feelings about what our country has done to your country, both good and bad. I can only hope that in time, the Iraqi people will have a government that they love, and the horrors of the past decades will have taught everyone in the world to be more human to each other!

  103. Luis Alander Avatar

    Watching your MC for the Second time and i hope you win it this time. If you have your way to Sweden me, my wife and kids would love for you to stay here at our place. We are Ben Fans.
    /Luis from Sweden

  104. Amber Avatar

    You are definitely my favourite contestant of MasterChef season 2.

  105. anna Avatar

    ben will you marry me…?

  106. Christine Avatar

    Hi again! It’s me! Christine! I was wondering what to bake for an After-Exam-Celebration…. What do u recommend?

    Btw, Gordon Ramsey came to Singapore a few months ago and challenged three hawkers! The Laksa Challenge, the Chicken Rice Challenge and the Chilli Crab Challenge…

    WE WON THE LAKSA AND CHICKEN RICE CHALLENGE! WOOO!!!! sadly, we lost the Chilli crab one…

  107. Lydia Avatar

    Hi Ben! You are awesome, my whole family loves you. I’m from Sweden and I love to make desserts and I love to bake! I was just wondering if you know any good way to make chocolate mousse, mine splits, when I stir the chocolate into the cream the chocolate sets again and it becomes lumpy, have you got any tip? I love you!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Lydia! It’s best to warm your cream base slightly so that the chocolate doesn’t set the instant it hits the base. I would have to see your whole recipe in order to explain exactly what to do.

  108. Violeta Villanueva Avatar
    Violeta Villanueva

    I am watching masterchef as it arrived to Spain now, and I find it incredible how you did it in there 🙂 I do not know who was winning the competition, but I decided to google you and this was the first page that came in my laptop. Congratulations Ben, for me you are the winner! Greetings from Spain

  109. Mariel Candice Verceles Avatar

    no matter how many times i watch season 2 of master chef I always cry on the part where you got eliminated. I am an avid fan of master chef and so far you are still one of the best chefs there. you are a great cook and your attitude and cheerful spirit can make anyone smile. you are a great inspiration to all of us! for me (and for many others) you deserve the title of master chef. there are lots of great cooks out there but only a few have the true passion and love for the food they make. you are one of the few 🙂

    my birthday is coming and a reply from you is my one and only wish! I am a BIG fan! greetings from the Philippines 🙂

    1. Ben Avatar

      Mariel, you’re so sweet. Thank you for this wonderful message, and happy birthday!!!

  110. Fakir Alias Avatar
    Fakir Alias

    I don’t know if you’ll have the time to respond or notice a post here, but even a small reply would be awesome!
    I’m a gigantic Gordon Ramsay fan and I just got done watching Season 2 of Masterchef and as I do with Hells Kitchen and Masterchef I do a bit of following up on seeing how everyone is doing post-competition, and I stumbled upon your site which was probably the most personal of active of any competitor. The character your brought was electric and genuine and warmed the heart of the judges as much as it did the viewers.
    But after browsing your reactions to each Masterchef round you were a part of (which helped add a level of depth to rewatching those episodes, ha), I eventually found your MasterChef: A Farewell Perspective. A little preachy, maybe, but there’s a lot to learn from such a post. I did have a question or two about what you meant by “MasterChef is entertainment. First and foremost. It is not real. It is not a competition. It is a highly engineered fiction…like EVERY reality TV show…designed to keep you watching from episode to episode,” as when you described your experience it sounded like the competition aspect was very much real. Were you making a point about how the experience of the competition itself was marred by the elaborately constructed drama and false characterization, or were does experiences scripted and rigged to some extent?
    Another thing was I felt like kind of a bad and sort of lazy person after reading it, because (confession time) I might have been roped into disdain towards Christian/Suzy. And I begin to reconsider how to go along conducting myself internally and externally. I don’t know, but it seems a fair conclusion to me that it’s never right to judge someone without intimate impressions of them, but I also simultaneously think that no one is perfect, and if I had flaws, a fair bit of direct criticism isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Would that be judgmental? I’m not sure.
    I do enjoy cooking but it’s not an extraordinary driving force of passion so my time here may be scarce but I am truly refreshed by having the opportunity of this window into your soul: you appear genuine, empathetic and an absolute force for good in this world. A lot of people who claim to have the same qualities drone endlessly on their twitters, tumblrs and so forth with an air of pretentiousness and ego without doing much for the world at all outside of ranting about insignificant things in their personal microcosms. Promise me that you’ll stay the way you are, because that’s how we love you.
    I will however try your cookie recipes because that’s like a thing I’m kinda into. Friday afternoon cookies. Yum.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Fakir, you are WAY too kind…thank you so much for this wonderful comment! If you ever have time, go back through my MasterChef posts and you’ll get all sorts of insight into how the show is crafted. The stress and competition are VERY real. We sweat it out through each challenge. What you ultimately view, though, is elaborately constructed, so that YOU feel similar to the way WE feel when we’re in the heat of competition.

  111. emma claire Avatar
    emma claire

    Hi ben I was just watching masterchef your episode now on tv in spain they play all repeats of stuff I so wanted you to win read up that you didnt win which was a shame your such a funny guy to watch I know uou said Christian is yr best friend but I didn’t like his attiude to other contedtents in the challanges other people desereved the right to use one of there ideas aswell as just his just wihed you stuck to replicating gordon dush instead of changing meat these judges are hard to cook for they say what they think whichbisvhard if yr sensitive joe is very hard on some people but thenbif you cant take that shit you should be a chef you been a great contestant on herd
    Emma. Spain madrid

  112. Keo Ruos Avatar
    Keo Ruos

    Dear Ben,

    I’m Mr. Ruos from Cambodia, a small country in Southeast Asia. I’m most interested in your Kangaroo recipe, kindly response with recipe for Brine as I can’t find it here and am not good at surfing. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Have a great day,

    Phnom Penh

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hello, Ruos! A brine is simply a salty liquid. 10 ounces of salt to 1 gallon of liquid is the ratio. That is typically about 1 1/2 cups of course salt or 3/4 cup of fine salt to a gallon of liquid. You can use ANY liquid. Juice, wine, broth, tea, water…anything.

  113. Bea Avatar

    Hi Ben! How are you? I read somewhere in your blog that on the set of Masterchef USA there were psychologists. But what did they do exactly? Were they useful for the contestants? (I’m curious to know it because I’m studying psychology). Hugs!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Bea, there are psychologist on the set of virtually every major reality TV show. Because I don’t personally know any reality TV psychologists, I can’t tell you what the full extend of their jobs are. But in theory, they are there to protect the contestants, assist in emotional crises, and provide counseling when contestants are eliminated.

      1. Bea Avatar

        Thank you Ben! You answered me many times…you’re very kind 🙂 .

  114. gie Avatar

    i Just wanted to wish u and Love ones a very Blessed Christmas & Great New Year …quite early?? Time flies..these Holiday Season is just around the corner…God Bless u Ben !!! Mwuuaaah !!

  115. Blaine Jones Avatar

    Dear, Ben naturally I love your sight. I saw your burning man videos. I was very impressed. I would like to offer you free music for any of your videos or productions. Some of what I have done is at this sight Enjoy the listening. I hope to be hearing more from you in the future. Again thank you for all your entertaining hrs of information and entertainment. Blaine Jones

  116. TOM Avatar

    Happy Christmas! May all your dreams come true! And keep providing us with your insight, your ideas and some brilliant recipes!

  117. Angela Avatar

    Ben Starr!
    MY gosh. I just finished watching MasterChef Season 2 and you were absolutely amazing–you stole my heart, Ben! It was clear that I was watching the show just to see you in action and be bubbly and fun and down to earth. I was so sad when you left, and the rest of the season became lack lustre… Anyway, I am so stoked to have found your website, and you are doing the most amazing things (as I alway knew you would) in a very self-less, kind and caring way (so rare to find a person like you in such a cut throat world). Your personality shines above all and I am definitely in love with you! You’re phenomenal and keep on being the wonderful you! I look forward to reading about your adventures to come.
    Lots of love from Canada,
    Angela 🙂

    1. Ben Avatar

      Angela, you are SO sweet, thank you! Big things are in the works, so stay tuned!

  118. Ella Avatar

    Hey Ben,
    Your kindness is transcendent, and it was your kindness, along with your talent, which the best, most magical ingredient of the MasterChef. Best of everything to you!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Ella, what a sweet comment, thank you SO MUCH for reaching out!

  119. Rhonda G Avatar

    I’m so excited to have come across this blog. Happy 2014, Ben and fellow fans! May it be full of new happiness and growth.

  120. emma claire Avatar
    emma claire

    Hi ben starr I still see your episode on tv here its back on again here in spain everytime I see it I so wished you had won you could of hands down you are what makes the show worth watching you perzonality ,sense of humour, character Im not keen on people taking things too seriously as you say we only see cool carm people behind the cameras you proberley stressing bad , your a great cook and will be looking at your recipes later , whete abouts in brazil is you partner mine is from brasil ,paranaiba ms hope one day to meet you here in spain or in brasil looking forwRd to ypur reply

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thank you so much, Emma! My partner’s family is from Sao Paulo and Santos. Maybe our paths will cross some day!

  121. Monique Avatar

    Hi ben, I enjoyed watching you compete in Masterchef;in fact, i keep watching reruns of your season because you are just so passionate and adorable!! I have been cooking from the age of 8 and your enthusiasm and knowledge of food inspires me! I have been recovering from a serious eating disorder for the past year and watching what you do with food helps me to give it the respect it deserves. Thank you for helping me change my attitude towards it;its a step in the right direction!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Monique, I am SO honored by your comment. And I’m so happy for you that you’ve been able to change your relationship with food by the joy that cooking brings you! You are an inspiration, please share your story as often so you can! *big hugs*

  122. armando sierralaya Avatar
    armando sierralaya

    hi ben!, I’m from Spain, I have 16, I’m watching season 4, and I just found your website. for me, in general “masterchef” was and is a great inspiration, but more people like you who always have a smile on your face haha. this made ​​me push myself to learn to cook and also in the End of school trip I have done with my class, I have volunteered to be the chef of the trip, we’ll london, and also today I made my first cupcakes chocolate, my friends liked it haha, I’m not very good with English, even hate the English, jajajaj, but I would be very happy to have an answer from you. Greetings 🙂

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hello, Armando! Thank you so much for your kind message. And congratulations on being the chef for your class trip! I hope it goes very well for you. And congratulation on your chocolate cupcakes!!

  123. Patricia Avatar

    Hi Sir Ben just dropped by to say a few words! I recently watched Season 1 and 2 of Masterchef and one of my favourites is you! hihihi You’re so fun! A good listener, friend, chef, and a person with a sense of humor. So fun! I really like you as a person! I’m only 18 years old and a college student and watching/ seeing people who loves everything about life and nature that much is an honour! I just can’t say anything else, but you one fun chef/writer/traveller and more! I love life, and seeing other loving life more, makes me even more happy, and develops me as a person as well. People like you are an inspiration and I believe one of the professions that will come naturally to you as an individual is becoming a teacher to kids! at their age, they will learn how to become good citizens in the future or as they grow up. im just happy, really happy! You inspire me, us Sir Ben! thank you for the inspiration! More blessings and luck to you Sir Ben, keep on inspiring as you really inspired me! thank you!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Patricia, you are so sweet! Thank you so much for this kind message, and I wish you all the best!

  124. Benison Avatar

    Love you in the show. Your expressions made my day and the camera loves you. You’re a natural starr! 😉

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks so much, Benison! Cheers!

  125. Dr Minahil Tariq Avatar
    Dr Minahil Tariq

    Hey ! Here’s ur fan from Pakistan ! I just finished watching the sec season of masterchef n have been “Starr struck” :
    Hoping great things await you in future.

  126. Max W. Avatar
    Max W.

    Hey Ben – I have to say you were my favorite chef by far on the show, and I was rooting for you all the way :). I’m glad to see you’re doing well for yourself now. I loved your personality and energy and I want to wish you luck in the future!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks so much, Max! *hugs*

  127. Sumy Avatar

    Next weekend, The Great American Pie Festival in Celebration, Florida! I really hope to see you there. Better yet, I hope you have an entry.

  128. Pat Avatar

    You are a wonderful human being! Loved your positive energy on the MasterChef…a big thank you!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks so much, Pat! *hugs*

  129. Alex Avatar

    Hi Ben! I just finished Masterchef Season 2 and I just had to search you up to see what you were doing now and to get a glimpse on how things progress with each individual after Masterchef. Im an avid fan of the entire Masterchef show and I’ve watched the entire Australian, British and Norwegian shows – but I only recently started enjoying the US version of it. And I have to commend you for being a bright light and a true passionate cook that shined through my monitor each time you were on the screen. Your emotional and passionate way of cooking and looking at food as a whole really made me smile and happy, and sometimes even brought me to tears. Food is all about sharing and caring, and I think you personified those qualities in the show. Just a huge thank you for being who you are and for showing so much passion and feelings. I want to wish you all the best for the future and I hope you will continue to enjoy your summer with your loved ones and a lot of great food ;)! Much love from Norway

    1. Ben Avatar

      Alex, thank you SO MUCH for this VERY sweet message! *hugs*

  130. Chelsy Avatar

    Hello, Ben! I recently discovered the MasterChef series. I’m wierd about wanting to start from the beginning and experience it as if it were live/current television. Today, I saw the elimination that ended your time on the show. You were my pick since the start of the show. You ooze so much excitement and enthusiasm, you take your licks and keep kicking. There was nothing on that show that ever managed to pierce your joy for life and food. I think you are amazing and look forward to delving into what you have to offer outside of the show!

    Thank you for taking me along with you on a great experience!

    Much love, from Utah USA

    1. Ben Avatar

      Chelsy, you’re so sweet, thank you! I was just in Utah…my favorite state. *hugs*

      1. Chelsy Avatar

        I saw that! Looks like you had a fun trip! I’ll admit I indulged in some fantasies about lunch with you so I can pick your brain. 🙂

  131. lise lange Avatar
    lise lange

    ahhhh Ben! How great to see you again! You answered my response about the BEST blueberry muffin recipe with your usual insight and humor, but I never got the notice! Then I was reading through old comments to you and read one that sounded familiar and it was MINE with your response. hahahaha. Anyway, a year later and I am a determined and loyal vegan for deep personal reasons of my own. I bake vegan cupcakes and muffins and sell at small markets and festivals. I love it! You can bet I will send you a blueberry recipe after I get one perfected enough for the likes of you! Hope that you are well and happy and cooking up a storm as always. Masterchef is so bad it is almost good. No. That is not true. Masterchef is cruel and harsh as ever. I wish you would write about it still so that somewhere, out there, a voice of reason could stand up to those bullies-but I am glad that for your own sanity, you no longer do. Love always! You are a superstar. ALWAYS love reading your blog!! xoxoxo Lise

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks so much, Lise! I EAGERLY await your vegan blueberry muffin recipe!!

  132. Irene Avatar

    Ben Starr I love you
    You are a generous and wonderful person. You really brought it in master chef. I really cried when you left. I wish you all the success in the world. I would most definitely watch any show you produce.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Irene, you are so sweet, thank you SO MUCH!

  133. Nelly Rahman Avatar

    I just finished watching the sec season of master chef n have been “Starr struck” Thanks for share.

  134. R. Do Avatar
    R. Do

    Ben, you’re a sore loser. And you’re a cheater. It’s too bad someone didn’t say something about you being gay while your own uncle was pivotal in denying gay people their rights in California. Seriously.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Ralph! Ha ha ha… You’re certainly entitled to your opinion about be being a sore loser and a cheater, though I’ve continually and emphatically stated how happy I was with my MasterChef experience THREE YEARS AGO. (Why are people still talking about that?) And for the record, I was out in California doing interviews and marching in protests during the ENTIRE Prop 8 era. I was being as public as I could possibly be about my own sexuality and my opinion of the legislation. Just as you have no control over what your family members do, neither do I.

      1. Ben's newest fan Avatar
        Ben’s newest fan

        Life is truly a rich tapestry; one minute you’re googling jalapeno/honey brine recipes, next thing you know you learn how to blog-jitsu a hater trying to slag someone’s positive energy. Ben, thank you for the life lesson. Seriously.

  135. crystalshiny Avatar

    Hi Ben! I recently discovered Masterchef and though this is a bit belated, I just wanted to say that your passion, enthusiasm, and most importantly your infectious zest for life really shined through. You are a person I want to emulate, not only in the kitchen as a chef but in attitude and character, as a person. You are unabashedly yourself, and I hope that you are happy and healthy.

    Much love from NY!


  136. Ben's newest fan Avatar
    Ben’s newest fan

    Life is truly a rich tapestry; one minute you’re googling jalapeno/honey brine recipes, next thing you know you learn how to blog-jitsu a hater trying to slag someone’s positive energy. Ben, thank you for the life lesson. Seriously.

  137. Apo Avatar

    Ben you are star

  138. Debi Avatar

    Aloha Ben, I watched one of your videos and was impressed by your positive outlook on life.i am coming to Hawaii to relocate and would like a to know someone who could show me the town…

  139. Dimosthenis Avatar

    hello, Ben Starr!!! I live in greece and just saw Master Chef 2. You are a really nice guy. You really love food. I was really upset when you were eliminated from the competition!!! Anyway, i saw your blog and really liked it. 🙂 Have you ever visited Greece? You should defintely try to cook traditional greek dishes!!!!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Dimosthenis! Thanks so much for your message. I do love Greek food, and I have been to Athens and a few of your islands!

  140. J Avatar

    Hi Ben! Just saw masterchef season 2, i know its been years since the show but i hope youre doing great, keep up the good work!

  141. J Avatar

    so i just read an article about you saying its all fake, is your cooking fake? are you really a chef or just an actor? im confused

    1. Ben Avatar

      J, I’m about as real as they come. It’s true, I studied acting in college for 2 years. That was 20 years ago. I’m a chef now. I work in a restaurant. I cook for a living.

  142. Barbara Bashaw Avatar
    Barbara Bashaw

    Hi Ben,
    I was reading your blog on food grinders as it relates to KA mixers and their power. I have a KSM8990 commercial 8 quart mixer. The website says its 500 watts, 1.3 HP. it says the HP is to the motor itself and not to the output to the bowl. Sooo, if I use the grinder, am I using the 1.3 HP (969.) watts?

  143. Tiffany Avatar

    Hi, Ben! How’re you? I’m from Hong Kong, have you been there before? I just finished watching masterchef season 2, and I think that you have an amazing and adorable personality which makes people feel comfortable, it’s sad to see you being eliminated. Your passion in cooking also inspires me to be a better cook! Wish everything goes well with you!

  144. Leigh Avatar

    Hi Ben! I’m from the Philippines and I just finished watching masterchef season 2 because I discovered the show like 5 days ago and I got tears in my eyes when you got eliminated! 🙁 I was rooting for you from the beginning and I just have to google you and I found this, your website! I want to tell you that you have an amazing, fun and wonderful personality and you were the highlight of the season! I don’t know you personally but I think that you have a big heart. 🙂 Keep doing what you’re doing and I hope you to see more of you! God bless you! 🙂

  145. Anastasia Avatar

    Hi, Ben, you’re inspiring, charming and kind (yeah, just saw season2 *). I was watching and thinking “where are all those winners now”? And here you are! Because only those who prolong to live and create after the camera off, really WIN. I’m Anastasia, Russian, and wish you the best, sincerely.

  146. Angie Avatar

    You were my very favourite in Masterchef! ?

  147. Maria Avatar

    Hi, Ben! My name is Maria, I’ from Russia. I saw you in MasterChef. You are great!!! My best wishes for you from Ekaterinburg!! You are welcome!!

  148. Ashley Avatar

    Hi Ben! Hopefully you are doing well. Wanted to say I loved you on Season 2 Masterchef. I love cooking so it is always fun to see what people come up with in the various shows. I was looking up what happened to Tracey and saw your blog post. Glad to hear she is ok!

    Random question but have you ever visited Japan? If so- what sort of things did you enjoy? I currently live in Japan.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Ashley, I’ve been to Japan once and I loved it. If you haven’t had takoyaki yet…go get it!!

  149. Sumy Avatar

    Did you write a post about your poison theme in October?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Sumy, I’m so behind on FRANK blogging, I don’t think I’ve blogged about a single dinner in over a year.

  150. Patty Avatar

    I watched you on MasterChef & loved you. I hope you are doing well. God bless!


  151. Ellen Avatar

    Hey Ben, my Mum was so gutted you didn’t win Masterchef USA (personally I think she has a bit of a crush on you) Wishing you all the best in the future
    With love from the UK <3

  152. Tony Avatar

    We’ve just saw you voted out of master chef you were our favourite all I say lack of hat

  153. Mike Mckellow Avatar
    Mike Mckellow

    Morning Ben,
    We are watching series two of Masterchef USA at the moment here in the UK. Yes it finally got here.
    Am afraid last night we saw you leave the competition. A very sad moment as we looked forward so much to watching it to see your genuine passion for cooking and your expressions and of course your cool hats.
    We hope you managed to follow your passion to fruition and all is going well.
    All the best
    Mike and Rosemary McKellow
    Evesham, UK.

  154. Alyssa Avatar

    So thrilled to see you’re doing such awesome things! Looking for to following you. (Ok. That sounds a big stalker-ish… But ya know what I mean I hope! :)).

  155. Rosa Avatar

    Hi I was just called to audition for master chef season 8 my concern: is it true that I can not have contact with family while participating? Do I get paid while being there? Cooking is my life, my passion but how much do I have to give up to participate? I know I’ll go to the audition and they’ll fall in love with me as I’m a character, but… I’m inspired by my loved ones and if I don’t have their contact my inspiration will be at stake. Tell me please

  156. Joel Avatar

    It was a pleasure running in to you in the woods of east Texas. Thank you for your lesson on mushrooms. Hope to see you again!

    Ps: did you get your cap?


  157. Dennie Ellestad Avatar
    Dennie Ellestad

    I am from Lewistown MT I think I have found oyster mushrooms but want to make sure . If you could email me back I could send pictures . Thank you very much

    1. Ben Avatar

      Dennie, feel free to post future photos to my Facebook page, which I check much more frequently.

  158. Nicolas Avatar

    Hi Ben
    I’ve been following your instructions for the building of a curing chamber. The problem is I have connect the controllers but the humidity control shows hhh and I’m wonder maybe the fridge generates to much humidity and what I need is a dehumidifier instead. What do you think?
    Thanks a lot from New Zealand

  159. Dr.samuel birger Avatar
    Dr.samuel birger

    U were so good

    Tell me ben are u jewish?

    Best of luck u kool guy


    1. Ben Avatar

      Not Jewish, it’s the glasses and the nose! Ha ha ha…

  160. Colleen Laffey Avatar
    Colleen Laffey

    Ben!!! Randomly found your blog when I was researching trying to grow chanterelles. Your bit on chanterelle hunting popped up. Didn’t make the connection of Master Chef until I surfed your blog a hot second. I was a camera operator the year you were on MC. I live next to an Appalachian hardwood forest, so tons of mushrooms a very short walk away. Picked a huge basket of the lovelies after my run. Also have chicken of the woods, hens, bicolor boletes, black trumpets, cauliflower, hedgehogs. Good eating in the woods.

    Glad to see you are doing well!


    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Colleen! I just tried emailing you, but the address you gave isn’t valid any longer. What a crazy coincidence! I’m SUPER jealous of your Appalachian forest! I have to relegate myself to suburban parks in Dallas unless I’m traveling.

      Great to hear from you and feel free to holler if you’re ever in Dallas!


  161. Pam Avatar

    Just watched you on Masterchef. Wanted you to win it sooo much. Kudos.

  162. Bert Bal Avatar

    Hi Ben, I’m a true fan of Hell’s Kitchen and Kitchen nightmares… Never watched Masterchef until I started it 3 days ago, watched the whole of season 1 in a single day, been watching season 2 yesterday and am at episode 18 right now.. You’ve just been eliminated and i’m not the crying kind of guy but damn you made me cry!
    Never have I seen such true passion, humble and love in a single person. I wish i lived near you cause i truly wanna meet you and eat with you… You’re every food lovers Hero…

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awwww…thanks, Bert! *hugs*

  163. Orko Avatar

    Dude…fuck the competition- you’re what I want to be. A great, awesome, and talented guy.

  164. Nancy Avatar

    Just had to let you know. That your pumpkin carrot cake is the high light of our thanksgiving meal.

    Thank you.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awwww…thanks so much, Nancy! *hugs for your family*

  165. scott Avatar

    Young viewer just saw you on Masterchef season 2 for the first time, was really wanting you to win! Hope you’re doing well!!

  166. Louise O Connor Avatar
    Louise O Connor

    Hi Ben,
    you would be a huge Star in Ireland. What a lovely, witty, emphatic guy you are. I adored watching you on Masterchef.. You could teach some people a thing or two with your wonderful personality.x
    Much love from the land of leprechauns..begorra!!


    1. Ben Avatar

      Louise, you are too sweet! I do hope to visit Ireland some day!!!

  167. Eva Holm Avatar
    Eva Holm

    You are the nicest person ever in all seasons of Masterchef US. Love you and your hats!

    Love from Sweden

  168. Jennifer O Grady Avatar
    Jennifer O Grady

    Hey Ben, just watching you make a layer cake in the pressure test! Reading the above comments, I’m guessing we all love you in Ireland! You are adorable and I’m dying to try your signature pumpkin crunches!

  169. Pauline Mayes Avatar
    Pauline Mayes

    I have watched you on masterchef twice and think you are very sincere and great chef. You can do anything in life you wish. Very best of luck for future. You deserve it.

  170. Linda Smith Avatar
    Linda Smith

    We’re just watching your season of master chef now. We LOVE Ben Starr!!!

  171. Erika Avatar

    Hello from Japan!
    I was just watching all the seasons of MasterChef and I immediately became a fan of yours. I was rooting for you ever since you walked into the show with a pumpkin hat an apron.
    You had such a sunny attitude, and such charisma & versatility in your cooking. I was blown away!

    I hope things have gone well for you since then and know that you now have a new fan who is cheering you on in whatever you do! I have Ben Starr struck! *hugs* 😀

  172. Silje Hatlestad Avatar
    Silje Hatlestad

    Hello Ben!
    You are such an incredible and unique person, I just have to say the obvious here!
    You should definitely take a trip to Norway where I live and bring some of the amazing skills that you have, to let others see what cooking is all about.
    When I first watched Masterchef and you showed up, saw what you could do, the personality you have, it blew me away, so refreshing and awesome!
    such a smart and talented person, I could literally go on and on about you! sorry for rambling here, but in the end all I want to say is; thank you for being who you are, keep up the amazing work that you do, you truly are a star, in many ways 😀
    love and hugs from your norwegian fan

  173. Too Shy to Share Avatar
    Too Shy to Share

    I was watching Masterchef Season 2 since I enjoyed the first season so much, and I’m watching it on Youtube. The only reason why I’m sticking with watching that entry is because of you, you were interesting, and I’m at Episode 7 and I’m greatly saddened I didn’t see much of your work. Spoiling myself to see where you reach the end made me both happy and slightly cringe, I was recoiling because I’m just watching that Season to see your work, but at the same time I was happy you managed to last for so long.

    It’s really fun seeing you in here. I followed your social media accounts, and I hope one day I’ll be able to taste your creation. For now, I’ll try some of your recipes.

  174. Todd Horwitch Avatar
    Todd Horwitch

    Hello Ben! I’m just a Senior Animation Student in Illinois, and I found you watching Master Chef while working on my capstone animation. You were by far the most fabulous part of the season you were in. When you left the show, I immediately needed to know where you were now. I am overjoyed that you’re doing what you love right now. You have a wonderful personality a brilliant knowledge of food. My dad is very passionate about food as well and he is the one who cooks all of our home meals. I’m going to try and show him some of your recipes!

    1. Aspen Avatar

      This post resonated strongly with me!! I’m a student too, studying level design for video games, and I always watch Master Chef while I’m working. I totally agree that Ben was the best part of his season. I hope your capstone animation turned out :).

  175. Nada Avatar

    You are the nicest contestant in the MC history! I really enjoyed watching you…i hope you are doing well..wish to know about your news as well as Adrien who is your friend i believe.
    Much love from Algeria

  176. Zina Hurani Avatar
    Zina Hurani

    I don’t know if you will see this, by I really love your cooking and your personality, you’re my most favourite chef, passion is just bursting out of you and your uniqueness is unbelievable, I love you and your hats and your mushrooms?

  177. Layla Avatar

    Yes you were the greatest literally

  178. Mona Avatar

    Dear Ben,

    Watching you on masterchef has been such a joy, me and my sister were always hoping it’s anyone but you eliminated because we knew we’d miss your humor and very sweet personality.

    Hope you are doing well and making awesome dishes like always.

    Stay amazing, stay absolutely amazing, like you are.

    Love from UAE ♥️


  179. Ebba Avatar

    Hi Ben!

    As others have mentioned before me, you are absolutely brilliant! I’m writing to you years after watching the second season of masterchef, but being an avid food lover, I’m rewatching it all! And I still think just as I did then, how lovely you are. You have such a fantastic and vibrant personality, so extremely likable and honest! I think you deserved to continue in to the finale in MC, but am glad to see that you’ve pursued your dream and continuing to love life. I would love to visit your restaurant one day and try your food, but you’d be so well received if you should ever like to visit Sweden.
    Much love from Stockholm

  180. chris sutton Avatar
    chris sutton

    i have seen a small room with a square stacked rock entrance like that what state are you in?

  181. Joe Duggann Avatar
    Joe Duggann

    I will never forget the Whitney’s Catfish challenge when Joe looked like he was frothing at the mouth, ready to eat you alive in desperate disgust, then gave you a shocked compliment asking why everything you made wasn’t as good as that dish. It was like watching an Angry Audrey II turn into Snoopy.

  182. Heather Gammage Avatar
    Heather Gammage

    Ben we were researching Masterchef and my dafighters (5and 7) and myself just fell in love with your wit, enthusiasm, and I can’t forget your chef hats. My daughters were in love. You have been very inspiring to me as I start them on their culinary journies. God Bless you Ben and your amazing journeys. Your spirit is beautiful!
    Love Heather, Audrey and Danielle

  183. LEE Avatar

    Hi! I am Lee from Korea.
    I wish I could see your energy someday.
    You deserve respect.

  184. Patti Avatar

    My family just started binge-watching MasterChef this year. As each new season of contestants comes along, I inevitably hear someone saying, “Aw, but I miss Ben.” Best of luck to you!

  185. Y.A. Mama Avatar
    Y.A. Mama

    First you bitch about the show not being real but still promote yourself for having been on it? Loser.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Had you read any of my posts about my experience on the show, you would know that I criticize and praise the show equally. I believe I was kept on the show far longer than my skill warranted, and this was clearly because of my on-screen personality. I am grateful to the show for the friends it brought me. (For the last 7 years I’ve shared highly-rated a restaurant with 2 of my season mates.) I am grateful to the show for what it taught me, and for the audience it brought to me. But the show has faults that are ultimately exploitative for many who appear on it. (I was not one of them, luckily.) My criticism of the show is about what it did to other people, not myself.

  186. Lea Avatar

    It’s been a pleasure watching you on master chef! Just recently got into watching it & you’re an inspiration!!!

  187. Abigail Cohen Avatar
    Abigail Cohen

    Hi Ben

    I’ve been rewatching master chef lately (binging food shows, my favorite lazy activity), and I agree with your fans that you are perhaps the nicest contestant in the season (I forget the later seasons, but probably those too)! I’m no chef, but I enjoy cooking/baking in my free time. I can’t wait to explore your website, and wished I had found it sooner! I’m from Houston, so I go back occasionally to visit family, but now I will have to try to win your restaurant lottery and make a trip to Dallas as well!

    Best wishes,

  188. Abigail Avatar

    Sorry for messaging for the 2nd time lately, but…

    I was doing some googling and found something kinda funny (slightly dark humor though). Apparently, to Google, you are 92 years old and passed away in 2014. Considering you are running a restaurant and engaging with fans I doubt either are true, but it made me laugh. Your name must be the same as some playwright born in 1921, as Don Brodie, Franklyn Seales and Martin Cohan come up as “people others also search for”.

    So if you ever want to play an April Fools day prank, or something idk, explore google – they did it for you!

    Best wishes (I hope this wasn’t offensive in any way at all, please delete it and try to forget about it if it was).

    1. Ben Avatar

      Ha ha ha… Abigail, you’re referring to the legendary TV producer Ben Starr, who produced groundbreaking TV shows and had a long and prolific career. One of his great nephews contacted me after MasterChef while Mr. Starr was still alive. I’m honored to share his name!

  189. Hannah Pate Avatar
    Hannah Pate

    Ben Starr!
    I was so saddened to see you didn’t win Master Chef. You were my favorite by far. I loved how passionate and enthusiastic you were about everything. You are star indeed and I hope to see you continue in the food industry and open your own restaurant one day, I’d travel to wherever to support you. Thanks for all you do!

  190. Sherry Johnson Avatar
    Sherry Johnson

    I totally loved watching you in MC season 2. I loved your hearts, compassion for other contestants when things went south for them, your guts to try doing that chili with bananas ..(also taking beans out when you thought it would be bad) and just all around decent person. I am sorry to hear that you thought the show a fake. I understand that R.T is sometimes geared to “making a good show” but fake? Curious why you said that. I enjoyed the show anyway and it has been a reason to inspire me to get in the kitchen and try doing some recipes I found on Gordan Ramsay u tube things. I just plain think your hats were adorable and you seemed very intent on doing your absolute bestest!! (I know that isn’t really a word but, I love it anyway…describes you) Love you much.


  191. Tina S Avatar
    Tina S

    Just recently I started binging MCA and I am addicted. I think I cried when you left. I have a new found appreciation to food and started cooking more and trying new things because of the show. Thank you for being so fun to watch!

  192. Trista Hargrove Avatar
    Trista Hargrove

    Hey Ben! You are by far my favorite contestant from MC, along with Christine Ha. You have a fabulous personality and innovative recipes and ideas!! I’m glad you’re doing so well!

  193. Liam Avatar

    Ben, I just watched your season of MC on Youtube and from the beginning you were my favorite contestant. Your humility and enthusiasm for others really had a positive impact on me. Even in the midst of a grueling competition you showed genuine excitement and emotion for your competitors when they both succeeded and failed. It was hard not to smile every time they showed you on camera. From what I surmise you’re a better man than you are a chef, and you’re a damn good chef. Thank you for being a light.
    – Liam from Lakeland

    1. Ben Avatar

      Liam, you are so kind. Thanks! 🙂

  194. Lizzie Warner Avatar
    Lizzie Warner

    Hey! I just found your website after watching master chef on Hulu. From the beginning of the season you were my absolute favorite and I was rooting for you. When you were eliminated I screamed out loud, “Noooooo!!!” I just wanted to reach through the tv and give you a hug. I went straight to google to see where you have gone. I am definitely a fan and wish so bad I could taste your cooking! Wishing you all the best, Lizzie from NY.

    P.s. I loved all your hats your mom made!
    Especially the pumpkin one. 🙂

  195. Isabel Avatar

    Just watched you on Season 2 and what a sweetheart you are! Soooo disappointed that Adrian didn’t win. Can you share what he’s been up to? Can’t find a trace and hoping he’s been successfully cooking somewhere!

  196. Jason Avatar

    I was hoping to find that you had opened a restaurant and had followed the advice that the chefs gave you on your season of Master Chef!!! Glad you did!!! Continue reaching for the stars, sir!!!

  197. Joyce Manley Avatar
    Joyce Manley

    Hello Ben, loved you on masterchef thought you should have won. But, that aside I do have a quesion for you. . . actually two. No. 1 do you know how to make apple fritters and if so can get the recipe. No. 2 do you like westerns? The reason is that I write western novals. Let me know.

    Thank you so much,

  198. Bill Joss Avatar

    I’m impresed with your laxy sourdough recipe. I bake with home milled flour and would would appreciate any modification that you suggest particulary on hydration.

  199. William.H. Whitley Avatar
    William.H. Whitley

    Ben, How would you add inclusions to your dough?

  200. Sheri Elder Avatar
    Sheri Elder

    Sure like your programs as we just found thm

  201. Becky Schuldt Avatar
    Becky Schuldt

    Hi Ben. I just found your channel and really enjoyed your video on buttermilk. I have a question that I really hope you will respond to. Last week I ordered a 4 pack of Philadelphia Cream Cheese along with other items to be delivered from Sam’s Club. It was supposed to be delivered around 5 pm. However, I forgot about the delivery until the next morning. (The day/evening the temps ranged between 65-85 degrees.) I realized I hadn’t brought in my delivery items around 8 am the next morning. I put it in the refrigerator immediately and have decided it should be thrown away. (What a waste of money!). After watching your buttermilk video, I thought maybe you can advise me. Is is safe to consume, or is it toxic waste? Thank you, Ben!

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Cream cheese is totally fine at room temp for a few days.

  202. Becky Avatar

    Hi Ben. I just found your channel and really enjoyed your video on buttermilk. I have a question that I really hope you will respond to. Last week I ordered a 4 pack of Philadelphia Cream Cheese along with other items to be delivered from Sam’s Club. It was supposed to be delivered around 5 pm. However, I forgot about the delivery until the next morning. (The day/evening the temps ranged between 65-85 degrees.) I realized I hadn’t brought in my delivery items around 8 am the next morning. I put it in the refrigerator immediately and have decided it should be thrown away. (What a waste of money!). After watching your buttermilk video, I thought maybe you can advise me. Is is safe to consume, or is it toxic waste? Thank you, Ben!

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Cream cheese is totally fine at room temp for a few days.

  203. Jen Jones Avatar
    Jen Jones

    I have been watching your sourdough videos and have made 2 failed loaves but the 3rd & 4th loaves came out GREAT!!! So thank YOU for your help. I have a personal question for you – with all the baking you do, what do you do with all the goodies? (I know you have restaurant & you entertain some). But if I baked that much, I’d have to have a big storage area – and then have to throw it out. Just curious. Keep doing what you do best!!!

  204. yes Avatar

    Thank you. I don’t care about your science or genius. I care about your humanity and wanting to share your knowledge.

  205. Reb Avatar

    Hey there – I have followed every direction in your 10 minute Simpler Sourdough for Lazy people and I can’t get a great rise out of my sourdough. I have really good “hooch” on my starter and it seems to be fine. But the rise isn’t there. What do I need to do to correct the issue?
    Thanks in advance

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      A dense loaf results from 1 of 3 things: overhydration (too much water), overproofing (common with active starters), or underproofing (less common, resulting from blindly following the recipe’s timing without waiting for your dough to double.)

      I need you to start over, mixing this up on your day off. Rise in an oiled ziploc bag, so you can clearly see your loaf. Start watching at about 6 hours and note how long it takes your dough to double. If your starter is robust, as many people’s are, and you achieve doubling in under 8 hours, you can’t wait very long after that before shaping, and your second rise should only be 45 minutes. If it doubles in 8-12 hours, also don’t wait much longer to shape, and rise only 60 minutes. If it takes your dough 12-24 hours to double, a 90 minute second rise is perfect. But if your dough takes LONGER than 24 hours to double…you MUST MUST MUST wait until it doubles. Even if that takes 2-3 days. (This is common in winter when kitchens are cold.) If it takes longer than 24 hours to double, your rise time should be 2 hours…or longer.

      If the dough NEVER doubles after 3 days, take it out of the bag and touch it. Is it super sticky? If so, your dough is overhydrated. Either you mismeasured, or the extra water is coming from your starter. Watch Troubleshooting Simple Sourdough at the 6 minute mark to fix your starter, and then try again.

  206. Cyndi Avatar

    I am so confused about starter and I watched your videos. Do you just keep a small plastic tub of starter in the fridge. Take out what you need and put the same tub back in the fridge? When you take it out do you feed it or just add it straight to the recipe?

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      When you need to bake with it, you take it out of the fridge, stir it if there’s hooch that has separated, weigh out what you’re going to need for the recipe, and put it back in the fridge.

      Once you’ve taken out so much that you don’t have enough starter left to make another loaf, give a big feeding (my feedings are 1 pound of flour and 1 pound of water…but your container has to be large enough to accommodate the starter if it rises significantly after a feeding), leave the starter on the countertop for a few hours until you see bubbles in the matrix, and then put it back in the fridge.

  207. Bianka Brink Avatar
    Bianka Brink

    Made my first easy Recipe from your video , worked great did 45 min covert in loaf pan then 15 min without top and it came out a bit dark how low can I turn the temp or should I bake at 400 instead of 425 ????

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Your oven’s thermostat is off. Bake at 400!

  208. Traci L Higgins Avatar
    Traci L Higgins

    I have a question about Starter left on the counter in one of your videos. It says that you don’t have to feed it. It can just sit there everything. I’ve read so if you’re not gonna feed, it needs to be in the. Refrigerator.

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Starter lives in the fridge. Period. You don’t have to feed it until you need to make more, even if that’s every 6 months. But you cannot leave a starter on the countertop PERMANENTLY without regular feedings. I think you misunderstood what I was saying.

  209. June Avatar

    I started your starter 5 days ago, you said to mix it up and put on counter for 7 days. It’s only day 5 and mold has appeared, had to toss it all. What did I do wrong?

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Nothing, but your house has a mold colony, and it’ll be very hard for you to get a starter going. Try again, adding 2 drops of distilled vinegar to the mix. If that also molds, you need to buy a mature starter online, or adopt one from a Facebook sourdough group.

  210. Carol Pachniak Avatar
    Carol Pachniak

    I’ve been using powered buttermilk for years. I was wondering I have recently used all the power up but have about a cup of left over made up buttermilk from the powder. I was wondering if I can renew powered buttermilk, by adding regular milk to my left over reconstituted buttermilk?

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Powdered buttermilk contains no live, active cultures, and thus it cannot be used to inoculate fresh milk to ferment. It can ONLY be used in place of buttermilk in recipes that call for buttermilk as an ingredient.

  211. Nancy beaupre Avatar
    Nancy beaupre

    Second time with your recipe everything went fine except it’s not rising for second time! What did I do wrong and can it be fixed? Thank you!

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      If you mean the dough isn’t rising after you’ve shaped it, you probably have an overhydrated dough. A little too much water, so the gluten network isn’t as strong. Or maybe you let it rise for way too long the first time. Watch my new MasterClass video, it addresses a lot of problems.

  212. Jim Hilgendorf Avatar
    Jim Hilgendorf

    Your ten minute sourdough bread recipe is definitely for beginners. I put starter, water, and salt in the bowl. Whoops, forgot to mix starter and water. I did the best I could at stirring it. After 24 hrs I shaped it into a rectangle loaf pan and put it in the cold oven. Whoops, at 340 degrees I realized I didn’t let it proof 90 minutes. I forged ahead with the bake. A very nice loaf turned out. A very forgiving recipe. Thanks Ben


  213. Kathy Kirby Avatar
    Kathy Kirby

    Have been making your lazy sourdough for months and everyone loves! Got a new stove and switched to gas and my bread doesn’t seem to rise as much. Any thoughts?

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Could be a thermostat issue…your oven isn’t baking at the same temp as your old one did. Gas stoves have a more humid baking environment, which allows heat to transmit faster and more evenly, and is better for bread baking, in general. So, if there’s no thermostat issue at play, the trend isn’t related to your oven…it’s related to your starter. Give it a feeding to perk it back up. Or…your kitchen temp is cooler (common in summer with air conditioned kitchens), so your bread needs longer rise times.

  214. Jocelyn Avatar

    So I followed your covid sour dough advice. My starter, was a week old but you said it would be good. So I followed your instructions from then on for baking sourdough. However, after 24 hours I struggled to get my dough out of the bowl ( plastic-does that make a difference?). The when trying to shape it for a loaf pan it kept expanding and eventually as it didn’t matter how much flour was on my counter (quartz) I had to finally scrap it off my counter with a knife to get it into the loaf pan, after 2 -4 hrs and now the next day (24 hrs) it still looks like goop. I am scared of baking it as much as trying to get it out of the pan? So where did I screw up?

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Your dough was radically overhydrated. Too much water. You either mismeasured your ingredients, or your starter is radically overhydrated, which led to your dough having too much water in it. Watch my Troubleshooting Simple Sourdough video at the 6 minute mark for a fix to your starter.

  215. Kristina Gollwitzer Avatar
    Kristina Gollwitzer

    I have a question about the 10 minute sour dough bread. First of all thanks, it is delicious. My problem is that even though I make 3 cuts , a bit deeper than 1/4 inch, it rips open in the middle. Please advise
    Thanks Kristina

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Make your cuts a bit deeper than that…and extend your rise time by 20 minutes or so. Splitting is a symptom of underproofing.

  216. Patricia Miskimins Avatar
    Patricia Miskimins

    I’ve been making sourdough bread since the covid years (as many of us) and have used many recipes and styles, getting fancy (sort of) and now deciding I want basic homemade bread that isn’t a time intensive project. I followed your inclusions video for sourdough cheddar and jalapeno. Everything was going fine until the baking. It seems the oven temperature was too low for my bread and it didn’t rise in the baking, is dense and heavy. Though it still tastes good, I’m disappointed. Have you had other comments about the oven temperature of 425° for 45 mins (cold pot and oven to start), uncovered for 25.

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Heavy and dense isn’t a result of baking temp or time, it’s a result of improper proofing, or of overhydration. Both can happen with inclusions, because your inclusions can contribute extra water, which leads to a dense loaf…and can introduce extra salt, which slows fermentation. Be sure you’ve watched my Inclusions video, and also understand the relationship between rise times. My new MasterClass video addresses how to modify your proofing time on the second rise, based on how long it takes your initial rise to double.

  217. Deby Reyes Avatar
    Deby Reyes

    Hi Ben,
    After working on my starter according to your instructions (which turned out great!), I made my first loaf of bread today. I mixed it and let it rise for 24 hours, shaped and 2nd rise 90 minutes. I then baked it at 425 covered in my dutch oven for 45 minutes then uncovered 15 minutes. I checked the temperature 195 degrees. My problem is it tastes wonderful, but it seems a little gummy. Not sure what to do?!
    Thank you!

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      Gummy-ness is a symptom of improper proofing…and probably overproofing, as that is what most people are doing. You can’t EVER use my exact rise times. You MUST adapt your rise times to your starter. If you waited 24 hours, but your bread doubled in 8 hours, you overproofed by rising it 90 minutes the second time. Please check out my new MasterClass video, which addresses variable rise times.

  218. Edith Avatar

    Hi Ben.
    I have a question, can I use sprouted grain flour instead of regular flour in your lazy sourdough bread recipe???

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      That depends on whether your flour is whole grain or white. I’ve just posted a new video on baking with whole grain flours, check it out!

  219. Tab Avatar

    I have been using your sourdough starter for lazy people. Started it beginning of July and primarily make your sandwich bread recipe. My question is my initial rise takes 16+ hours. The 2nd rise 4+ hours. Is my starter weak? If I don’t wait long enough for the 2nd rise then when I bake it bursts at the side. I also triple the recipe, but bake in 2 stoneware 11×4 sandwich bread pans. The taste is amazing, but I’d like more uniform bread not bursting and shorter rise times.

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      I take it for granted that not everyone understands that ALL BREAD MUST BE SCORED before baking, unless you’re baking in a compression pan like a Pullman. All bread will burst when baked if it is properly proofed…unless you score it. And if you score it, it will not burst.

  220. Rebecca Kovach Avatar
    Rebecca Kovach

    Hi Ben, Just tried your sourdough bread recipe. Turned out great. However, I am low on starter and just fed it to increase my yield. I’d like to bake bread with it again tomorrow. Should I just leave it out on the counter for an hour, place it in the fridge and use it tomrrow to make more bread or does it need to sit longer since I just fed it?

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      You can bake within an hour or so of a feeding.

  221. Ann Shevenell Avatar
    Ann Shevenell

    Wondering if you have perfected sourdough pizza recipe? Anxiously waiting 🙏🏻

  222. Gerald Gives Avatar
    Gerald Gives



  223. Stephen Avatar

    Hello Ben, I first found you on you tube explaining all the ins and outs of sour dough. I’ve been making bread for about 40 years, mixing the dough in a bread maker and shaping the bread by hand and baking in the oven. (I have not bought store made bread in more than 20 years!) I have yet to embark on sour dough because frankly it is just seems too much and a bit scary, although your explanations and demonstrations go a long way toward making it seem more achievable. I’ll let you know when I get up the courage to try it. In the meantime, I am all set to explore your website as I am a foodie and the chief chef of our family, always looking for new ideas. By the way, we have something in common – my partner is also Brasilian and I’ve learned to cook some interesting Brasilian recipes. And yes, I know to spell Brasil with an “s”. I’ve also learned to love soccer, or as we call, football. By the way, I’m Canadian.

  224. Ed Henry Avatar
    Ed Henry

    First of all let me tell you how much I appreciate you and your approach to baking and cooking! You are awesome! The simple sourdough starter and bread is awesome. When my mother died I made my starter with flour from her apartment and named it Jean Louise. I thought it was a nice tribute for my mom’s memory to live on. It is without a doubt the best tasting sourdough bread I have ever had. It always doubles in size on the first rise but once I shape it and let is sit it never seems to rise near as much again, no matter how long I wait. Not sure why that is.
    Recently I got a bread machine as a gift. I was wondering if you ever experimented with making sourdough bread in a bread machine? Please let me know if you think it is possible or if you ever tried.
    I am going to experiment and will let you know what I find out. Thanks again for your time and all you help and videos.

    1. Ben Starr Avatar
      Ben Starr

      In theory, a bread machine will work, but only if you have complete manual control over the cycles. You want NO heat for the fermentation cycle, and you need to understand how long it takes your dough to double so you know how long the second rise cycle should be. I’ll eventually experiment with this…but for now, a bread machine makes things MORE complicated.

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