Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

How to make “calaveras” or Mexican sugar skulls without meringue powder

The net is an incredible place, because 10 years ago, if I wanted to make “calaveras,” which are those sugar skulls that kids and lovers give each other for the Mexican holiday El Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), how on earth would I have figured out how to do that without going to Mexico and hanging out in some grandma’s kitchen? So I was all excited a couple of weeks back when I ordered my sugar skull mold (just a cheap piece of polystyrene that looks like the containers that things like Ipods and flash drives come in…that stuff thats practically impossible to cut open without slicing your hands) and got ready to make 40 calaveras for my fall dinner party.

Mold to make calaveras, or Mexican sugar skulls for El Dia de los Muertos
Exhorbitantly expensive for some plastic packaging!

The website that sold me the skull mold (for an astonishing $15 considering the cheap production cost…this stuff is just basically packaging) has a recipe for sugar skulls that I found repeated virtually EVERYWHERE on the internet. If a site had a recipe for sugar skulls, this was the recipe. And there simply were no other recipes. The problem was that their recipe called for an ingredient called “meringue powder” which is an obscure ingredient typically only found in commercial bakery kitchens, and it’s offensively expensive. Sure, their website will be happy to sell you a small quantity, enough to make about 4 big skulls, for around $10. Maybe that’s a bargain if you only want to make 4 skulls (which, with your $15 mold and $10 meringue powder, plus shipping, is going to make your skulls cost around $9-$10 per skull once you buy the rest of the ingredients). I can’t afford that for 40 skulls.

But their recipe specifically states, “This recipe will not work if you leave out the meringue powder, the skulls will fall apart.” And it was the ONLY recipe I could find on the net that looked legitimate. “Surely,” I thought, “those little grandmas in Oaxaca aren’t pulling out their tin of ultra-expensive imported meringue powder when it’s time to make calaveras.” Knowing that meringue powder is basically powdered eggs whites, I figured…why not just try using egg whites to help cement the sugar together, and maybe bake the skulls at a low temperature to speed the setting and drying process?” An experiment proceeded to unfold. And I got it right with the first try! So if you can find yourself a sugar skull mold, here’s how to make perfect calaveras without meringue powder:

6 cups sugar
2 egg whites

That’s it folks.

Put the egg whites in the bottom of a big bowl, dump in the granulated sugar, and get your hands all messy squeezing and churning it together until the sugar feels like wet sand at the beach. You want the sugar to be as dry as possible but still stick together in the mold, but it’s better for it to be too damp than too dry.

Sugar and egg whites for calaveras or Mexican sugar skulls for El Dia de los Muertos
It should be the same consistency as beach sand for making sand castles

Take a handful, dump it into your skull mold and press it down, and continue until the mold is full. Make certain that you press VERY firmly so the sugar is packed hard into the skull.

Filling the skull mold for calaveras, or Mexican sugar skulls for El Dia de Muertos
Packing the sugar firmly into the mold
Over fill the mold for calaveras or Mexican sugar skulls for El Dia de los Muertos
Over-fill the mold, pack it HARD!

Then rake a knife or straight edge across the back of the mold to give yourself a flat edge for the bottom of the skull.

Raking off excess sugar from the calaveras mold
Using the cardboard square to level off the back of the skull

Then take a spoon and scoop out a little sugar from the center of the back of the skull so that you don’t waste sugar and so the skull doesn’t weigh too much.

Scooping out excess sugar and egg white from the calavera
Careful, now!

Make sure the walls of the skull will be at least 1″ thick when you dump it out of the mold, or it may collapse on itself.

Hollowing out the calavera, or Mexican sugar skull for El Dia de los Muertos
This is an optional step but results in a lighter skull and you waste less sugar

Then take a square of cardboard just a little larger than your skull, place it against the back of the mold, and flip the mold over.

Gently flip the skull mold
Gently flip the mold over onto the cardboard

Gently pull the mold up off the sugar and you’ll have a perfect replica of a skull staring back at you.

Removing the mold from the Mexican sugar skull for El Dia de los Muertos
The mold should come off if your sugar isn't too damp with egg white

The mold should come off easily. If it is hard to pull off, your sugar is too wet and you need to add an extra handful to the bowl and work it in well with your hands. The mold should pull off easily leaving a smooth, perfect replica, and the drier the sugar is, the better this will happen.

Rinse the mold between each skull and dry with a paper towel. Continue making skulls with more sugar and more cardboard squares until you have all your skulls formed. Then, very carefully, place your skulls inside a preheated 200F oven for 30 minutes. When you remove them, the surface will be very hard to the touch. But don’t put too much stress on them yet…they need a week of drying before they’ll be hard enough all the way through to handle vigorously.

Google images for “sugar skulls” or “calaveras” to see pictures of how the skulls are decorated. Traditionally, the name of the person receiving the skull is written on a piece of colored foil which is placed across the skull’s forehead, and then the rest of the skull is decorated with brightly colored icing. You can get tubes of premixed icing at the grocery store which work just fine, or make your own by using lots of powdered sugar, an egg white, a few tablespoons of corn starch, food coloring, and a few drops of water. Stir it until it’s thick, then stuff it into a decorating bag. If you don’t have a decorating bag, make a cone of wax paper, parchment paper, or just plain paper, fill the cone with icing, and cut a tiny bit off the tip of the cone. Fold the top paper down until you can squeeze the icing out of the tip you just cut. Use the icing to decorate the skulls, which can be done as soon as they come out of the oven and cool. Then let the skulls, icing and all, dry for a week and you’ll have a perfect Mexican sugar skull.

Calaveras, or Mexican sugar skulls for El Dia de los Muertos, WITHOUT meringue powder
Calaveras, or Mexican sugar skulls for El Dia de los Muertos, WITHOUT meringue powder

The recipe above will make about 2 complete large skulls. (Molds come with a front and a back. You make them separately and then glue them together with icing. I found it was just as cool to just make the front of the skull, the face, and decorate it so it lies flat on the table and stares up at you.) So the recipe above will make 3-4 large skull faces, but this will vary depending on the size of your mold. If you make lots of skulls, buy a huge bag of sugar and lots of eggs. I went through 25 pounds of sugar and 18 eggs to make 40 skulls, and only made the front half of the skull.

66 responses to “How to make “calaveras” or Mexican sugar skulls without meringue powder”

  1. Marie Avatar

    Found one other meringue powder-free recipe here (or two, if you read the text there are the original Mexican ingredients mentioned)

  2. esme Avatar

    Your recipe worked perfectly. Take that pricey meringue powder!!!

  3. Joi (@Joi_the_Artist) Avatar

    I’m trying this today! I don’t have skull molds, but I have space shuttle molds and… BRAIN MOLDS! Mwahahahahaha. If this works out well, I’m handing the brains out for Halloween.

  4. Joi (@Joi_the_Artist) Avatar

    I made sugar brains! They turned out awesome! Thanks so much for posting this guide!

  5. folkmew Avatar

    I actually did find a few other egg recipes but laughed a LOT when I read yours. My reaction to the “meringue powder” was the same as yours “hey, meringues are just egg whites, can’t I just use egg whites?”
    But this – this is genius:
    “Surely,” I thought, “those little grandmas in Oaxaca aren’t pulling out their tin of ultra-expensive imported meringue powder when it’s time to make calaveras.”


  6. Mouse Avatar

    You can purchase meringue powder at craft stores such as Michael’s or A.C. Moore for $7 or $8

    1. Ben Avatar

      Which is WAYYYYYYY too expensive, when you can just use egg whites!

    2. Emma Avatar

      If you are going to use meringue powder please note that the meringue powder at craft stores is NOT the same thing so it won’t work that well. I think better to use the above recipe if you can’t get the real skull meringue powder. I also saw a posting that is only sugar and a tiny bit of water – here in California that would probably work, although very fragile – but I think anywhere with humidity would ruin those. I’m going to try the egg whites in a carton since they are pasteurized in case someone takes a bit of the skull!

  7. Angela Avatar

    I knw it was just egg whites too, but if you dnt understand spanish, you would never have known! koool Im definitly gonna make some too. 🙂

  8. mary fitzsimons Avatar
    mary fitzsimons

    use icing sugar and whipped egg white, one egg white for 500 grams of icing/powder sugar. i mould the skulls with my hands and use cornflour to stop it sticking.have a extra powder sugar on hand if the egg white is large or the day is humid.

  9. Amy Avatar

    I am so thrilled to find a recipe without Meringue powder! A life saver! I am following your blog! Thank you!

  10. jenna Avatar

    Does it have to dry for a week? I am doing this for a school project at my spanish class and i only have two days for it to dry.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Jenna, just leave the skulls in the 200F oven for 3-4 hours and you should be fine!

    2. Emma Avatar

      Wondering how it turned out for you with the short window. I’m going to try a dehydrator to speed it up and hope that works – theoretically it seems like the low constant heat might be the way to go.

  11. Joi (@Joi_the_Artist) Avatar

    I used this recipe to make a big batch of sugar space shuttles for some friends at the Jet Propulsion Lab (where they run the Mars rovers!), and they were a hit!

  12. Lynette Rowland Avatar

    You said 30 minutes on 200 degrees. How many skulls is that for? Thanks so much for going to the trouble to do this!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Lynette, I was doing 4 skulls in my oven, because that’s all that would fit. If your oven is big enough to hold more, I’d do an extra 5 minutes per skull beyond 4.

  13. bean Avatar

    Thank you Ben. You freaking rock. I miss watching you and your hats on TV. COME BACK!!!!!!!!!

  14. melanie Avatar

    omg!! you are a life saver. I have to do this for a school project too and only have a couple days!!! I am so happy I found your site!!!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awesome, Melanie! I’d love to see a pic of them when you’re done!

  15. Lisa Avatar

    Thank you so much!!!! I bought the stupid CK meringue powder, only to find that I can’t use ANY of it, because it’s not peanut/tree nut safe, and my school is nut free! RRRRRR. Thanks for helping me not feel like a total sucker! I’ve got two trays of sugar Monarch butterflies drying right now….. Fingers crossed! Thanks so much!!!

  16. Elizabeth Avatar

    So happy I came across you site! I, too, am a teacher – with over 100 students to celebrate Dia de los Muertos. I want my students to understand what sugar skulls are all about. But with soo many students I decided on a much smaller mold – went to a local dollar store this afternoon and bought 2 skull ice cube trays for Halloween. they are purple rubber trays that will make 10 skulls – small enough for a student to paint in under 30 mins and to paste a small magnet onto the back. I will post my “hopeful” success with these molds when all is said and done.

  17. christi Avatar

    I am throwing my first Dia de los Muertos party Nov 2… so to get technical, do I beat the egg whites first, then add the sugar? maybe a dumb question but I want to get it right. LOL

    1. Ben Avatar

      Christi, just whisk them for about 30 seconds with a fork and then add them to your sugar.

  18. Christina Tapia Avatar
    Christina Tapia

    Super awesome!!! I been like crazy all over town
    Looking for that MERINGUE powder n no store has it.
    U rock..Thanks for the info. I will be making the
    Sculls for my Dads grave on Nov.2.

  19. Lynn Avatar

    Wow! I am so glad I looked for more recipes. I was thinking how did they do this before the commercial meringue powder since this is a very old tradition. I am all about tradition when it comes to celebrations. Going to try this over the weekend.

  20. Yoly Petra Avatar

    Cheaper molds can be bought online from the Wilton website. I think they are 4$. I couldn’t bring myself to buy that $15 one sold as the “original” sugar skull mold ( the originals were not plastic obviously!).

    1. Ben Avatar

      That’s great info, Yoly! Thank you for sharing.

  21. Irma Avatar

    How long do you think 20 ice cube sized ones should stay in the oven if I need them to be ready in a couple of days?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Irma, ice cube sized skulls will cure very quickly…30 minutes to an hour is all you’ll need for them to be totally ready!

      1. Irma Avatar

        Had them in for an hour and a half before I saw your comment. Just took them out and I couldn’t be happier with the results. Thanks!

  22. Stefanie Avatar

    Good to know that this works! But you can buy 4oz-8oz containers of meringue powder at walmart in the icing/cake decorating section for under $5. And you can make mini calaveras with 1/2 cup sugar, 1-2 tsp water, 1 tsp meringue powder. Mix together, form into an egg shape, use the end of a wooden spoon to make eyes and the tines of a fork to make teeth/nose. Dry overnight. I’m a Spanish teacher and my students loved decorating their own calaveras. And 4oz meringue made over 80 small calaveras. In the end it’s not a bad price compared to buying egg whites or whole eggs and separating the yolks!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Stefanie, many of my blog visitors are against shopping at Walmart, but you are correct…it can now be purchased there. However, it’s still FAR cheaper to buy eggs over meringue powder, and separating an egg takes about 2 seconds in your hand. Less time than measuring out a teaspoon of meringue powder!

  23. Lauren Avatar

    What kind of sugar did you use for this recipe?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Regular granulated table sugar. Some of the calaveras are made with a dough from powdered sugar, also, but I haven’t experimented with that.

  24. Karla Quintana Avatar
    Karla Quintana

    Just wanted to chime in. I followed your instructions and my calaveras turned out awesome! Thanks!

    1. Ben Avatar

      That’s great, Karla! So glad it worked for you.

  25. FrizzyGeek Avatar

    Thanks, I also know how to make it without the mold (on another site I looked up) so this way, its not as hard and ten times more awesome. Thanks so much for this, you are a lifesaver. Thanks this is awesome I don’t know what to say

  26. Martha Avatar

    A question, where can I buy the molds? They are special for the oven? Silicon molds?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Martha, you can get them on Amazon or Ebay, they are pretty common. They are plastic extruded molds, not safe for high oven temps.

  27. Stephanie Avatar

    I made these during hurricane Sandy. I let them sit @ 200 in the oven for a few hours as we were in a hotel and I was just giving the kids something to do and needed them hard quickly. Total success even with the humidity!

  28. Madison Avatar

    I have to make sugar skulls for school tomorrow will i have time?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Madison, it would be pushing it, but you COULD do it, you just won’t have much time for decoration. Leave them in the oven an extra couple of hours and forego the long room-temp drying time.

  29. Mary Gray Avatar
    Mary Gray

    How do you make them 3D if you have the back part? How do you connect the front and back?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Mary, you connect the front and back parts with the same frosting you use to decorate them.

  30. Mary Gray Avatar
    Mary Gray

    Can you paint them with edible markers?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Mary, I don’t have experience with edible markers, but as long as they’re not too wet that they dissolve the sugar, I’d imagine it would work!

  31. Candy Tutt Avatar

    This will be the 2nd year a friend and I have made the mini 3-D skulls…only we use papier-mache! I soak paper egg cartons until they’re mushy, then put small pieces in the blender with lots of water, and ‘pulse’ until it’s a gray slush. Pour into metal strainer, push all the water out [as much as you can] and line the little molds with at least 1/4″ of this paper clay. Don’t let any stick up above the level of the mold- you will just have to cut or sand it off later! Air dry at least a day – pop out of the molds – sand rough edges if any – glue together! When they are dry you can paint and decorate them – I like to coat them with Mod-Podge Matte when done, they will be almost INDESTRUCTABLE…

  32. corinne lafors Avatar
    corinne lafors

    First off thank you for an easy recipe that is not for a hundred skulls that require a 10 pound bag of sugar. I have a girl scout troop that is going to be very excited to make these but I have a question about cooking them. Do we just put them in the oven on the cardboard or can we transfer them on to a cookie sheet?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Corinne, the reason for the cardboard is to be able to easily and gently invert the skulls onto a surface. If you try inverting them onto a baking sheet, they may collapse as they travel the few inches through the air to land on the sheet. (Unless you have LOTS of molds and lots of hands.)

  33. Katy Avatar

    I’m doing this for my students. What if I don’t have an oven but I put a fan on them overnight. Would that work?

  34. Amanda-CA Avatar

    Used this recipe last year 2014-it was awesome!!!and I did not use a sugar skull mold-my kids and I shaped the sugar mixture and then baked-and instead of icing we used paint since we used them for our Dia De Los Muertos decorations-they had a blast and we’re doing it all again this year:)this will be my permanent go-to recipe every time-i recommend it to ALL!!

  35. Kristen Avatar

    I also bought those expensive plastic molds but balked at buying the expensive meringue powder. Instead, I just made several batches using egg white powder which I happened to have languishing in my pantry from years past. I figured, why waste the fresh eggs. I added a bit of cream of tartar. (I saw a recipe online saying you could replace the eggs entirely with cream of tartar. Hmmm. Suspect, but maybe….) Then after the first few batches, which came out great, I ran out of granulated sugar and replaced 25% of the sugar in the recipe with powdered which I had lots of. (I had also seen on a Mexican website a recipe using powdered rather than granulated sugar to make a dough for hand forming them.) This partial powdered sugar batch came out even better than the first granulated sugar ones. It was firmer and had a slightly doughy consistency which picked up and retained the detail of the molds better. It was also a bit less crumbly and more forgiving.

    Fun! Thanks!

  36. Amanda-CA Avatar

    I used this recipe last year-and it was awesome!!i did not use a mold to shape the 4 kids and I simply formed them by hand and put them in the oven to dry out..and then the next day we painted them with regular paint since we made them for our Dia De Los Muertos decorations:)they came out incredible! And by shaping the skulls ourselves instead of using a big mold, we were able to make over 6 skulls..and since the mixture is like beach sand it holds the shape very well:)We are getting ready to make them again tonight:)thank you Ben for this recipe that has now become a tradition for my family to make!!

  37. Sarah Avatar

    What is the 6 Cups of sugar converted to English cooking we don’t use cups 😛

    1. Ben Avatar

      200 grams of sugar per cup, so 1.2kg of sugar for this recipe

  38. Carol Avatar

    Thank you my skulls turned out awesome! Solid advice

  39. Brink Avatar

    Can you eat these sugar skulls? I heard royal icing on top of the amount of sugar needed for the skulls is way too sweet for consumption and also the meringue has a tendency to harden too much for easy eating?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Brink, you CAN eat these skulls. But, man…wayyyyyy too sweet for most people! The candy skulls eaten in Mexico are usually made with powdered sugar and are very small.

  40. Rachel Avatar

    After years of making sugar skulls with my students at school with the expensive meriguene powder I called a pastry shop trying to get more powder locally. The lady there told me that at least in our climat in Oregon, that we don’t need to use meriguene powder at all! I did one cup sugar to 2 tsp water and didn’t bake them and they turned out great! She said the meringue powder is only needed in humid climats like the south. Now I’m debating whether I need to put the meringue powder in my royal icing… Tba.

  41. Meadow Snyder Avatar
    Meadow Snyder

    I use this same recipe every year for making skulls for our ofrenda. As others have commented, this works beautifully for forming by hand as well! Thanks!

  42. Claudia P Avatar
    Claudia P

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  43. Amber A Hall Avatar
    Amber A Hall

    Thanks for this recipe! I’m living in Italy, so I have no idea where to buy meringue powder (besides amazon– where it’s expensive and won’t arrive until after Thanksgiving). Mine are in the oven right now and I can’t WAIT to give them to an LDS missionary from Mexico.
    Btw, this recipe is totally doable without a mold. I used a done mold for the larger ones, but I had some left over so I made some smaller ones by hand. I DID half the recipe (only had 2 cups of sugar for 1 egg white), so it might take a bit longer for mine to dry. But thank you!!!

  44. Paul Avatar

    The six cups of sugar and two egg whites works perfectly. I make the front and back and press them together and then gently place them on a pan and bake them for 30 minutes at 200 degrees Fahrenheit. I let the skulls dry for another week or so. They are solid. Thanks for the recipe.

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