Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Rhubarb Pie

In Texas, where the climate is too hot to grow rhubarb, it’s not an ingredient most folks here are familiar with.  When it does appear on market shelves in the spring, it can cost upwards of $6 a pound…pricey for a vegetable.  But occasionally I’ll run across it on sale, or we’ll splurge on it at FRANK, and indulge in this delectable and unique ingredient.

Rhubarb is a unique, celery-like plant with bright red stems and big, poisonous leaves chock full of a toxin called oxalic acid…the same poison that gives the tart lemony flavor to wood sorrel or sour grass, which grows everywhere and is a delightful wild addition to salads.  In small doses, oxalic acid is harmless, and you’d have to eat many pounds of rhubarb leaves or wood sorrel to be sickened or killed by it.  (Though scientists suspect there are other toxic compounds in rhubarb leaves, so it’s best not to risk it.)  The stems are the truly delightful part of the plant, with their lovely color and sweet-sour taste.

The classic use for rhubarb is in pie, either standalone, or with strawberries.  I prefer the standalone variety, and it’s actually one of the easiest pies to make.  Even kids can get it right the very first time!

Preheat the oven to 450F, and place a rack on the bottom level of the oven.

Start by making the bottom crust:

1 1/3 cups unbleached flour
1 teaspoon kosher salt
2 Tablespoons sugar
1/3 cup canola oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 generous Tablespoons buttermilk

Combine these ingredients in a bowl and stir until all the dry ingredients are moistened.  Add a splash more buttermilk if you have to.  Then gather up all the mixture with your hands, press into a ball, and flatten it.  Wipe your countertop with a wet rag, then lay down a sheet of wax paper or parchment, and lightly flour it.  Set the dough on the wax paper, dust a bit of flour onto the dough, and place another sheet of wax paper on top.  Then roll out with a rolling pin until it’s about 2″ wider than your pie plate.  Remove the top layer of wax paper and set it aside, turn the pie plate upside down on top of your crust, then slip your hand beneath the crust and gently press it to the pie plate.  Invert everything, and now your crust is sitting in your pie plate with the final layer of wax paper on top.  Gently remove the wax paper, and let the crust drape off the sides of the pie plate.

Now prepare your filling.  In a small bowl, combine:

1 cup sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 teaspoon kosher salt

Sprinkle a couple of Tablespoons of the flour mixture into the bottom of the pie crust.  In a large bowl, place:

1 1/2 pounds rhubarb, chopped into 1/2″ – 3/4″ pieces (about 5 cups)

Add the remaining flour mixture to the rhubarb, and toss it to coat the pieces well.  Then pour the pieces into the pie crust.

2 Tablespoons unsalted butter

Cut the butter into little cubes and dot the top of the rhubarb with it.  Make another top crust by using the same recipe as the first crust:

1 1/3 cups unbleached flour
1 teaspoon kosher salt
2 Tablespoons sugar
1/3 cup canola oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 generous Tablespoons buttermilk

Roll this one out the same way, but only roll it about 1/2″ wider than the pie plate.  Remove the top layer of wax paper, then use the bottom layer to pick up the crust and set it, crust-side down, on top of the rhubarb.  Gently peel away the wax paper.  Press the edges of the top crust onto the bottom crust, then pinch the crust between your fingers to flute the edges.

Showing the method for a fluting a single crust, but it's the same method for a double crust

Cut 4 or 5 slits into the crust to allow steam to escape.  Then gently whisk:

1 egg white

Brush the egg white all over the crust, and then sprinkle on:

2-3 Tablespoons raw sugar

This step is optional, but results in a lovely, shiny crust with crunchy sugar on top, and it’s totally worth it.

Bake the pie on the bottom rack of the preheated 450F oven for 15 minutes.  Then reduce the heat to 350F and continue baking another 40 minutes.  Check the pie regularly, and if the top is starting to brown excessively, just place a sheet of foil over it to divert the direct radiation.

Remove to a cooling rack, and let the pie cool for at least an hour before slicing if you want it to set up enough to slice properly.  Probably, though, your hungry friends and family will tear into it piping hot with forks, not caring about getting a nicely-set slice!

13 responses to “Rhubarb Pie”

  1. Brenda Moore Avatar

    Every summer when I would go visit my grandma (Who lived in South Dakota) she would have a fresh bowl of cut rhubarb sprinkled with sugar waiting for me. She had a huge batch growing by her garden.

    1. Ben Avatar

      What a great memory, Brenda! I really like raw rhubarb, but some folks think it’s too strong. Not you and I!!

  2. sally Avatar

    just incredibly wonderful to read your comments! I would love to send your Rhubard pie to my time line on FAcebook and pinit, only the best go there!

    Stillwanting to printouty your Bread article, to sit and digest some of the details!


    1. Ben Avatar

      Wow, thanks so much, Sally! And I LOVE your email address…so cute!

  3. Wendy Wedo FitzHenry Avatar

    Now I’ve got something else to make with my rhubarb, that surely will soon take over my garden! Last summer I cooked up several pints of blueberry-rhubarb jam…delish! Thanks Ben!

  4. Linda Avatar

    Thanks for posting this Ben! We put some of my MIL’s rhubarb plant into our garden a couple of years ago and this year we’ll have enough that I can make this pie!! It looks yummy!!

  5. Beth Hodge Avatar

    ~ Hey Benny-boy 🙂


    I miss you. I just watched your season of MS again. I still get sad when you leave& realize more& more how much I appreciated the fact that (I think??) that you PURPOSELY choose not to involve yourself in any mean comments. It is a shame that you didn’t make it, bc you could not only cook w/HEART, but you were also a really KIND person!!

    Be well.

    Share your
    LIGHT w/all
    you meet.

    KEEP COOKING, MAN!!!!!!!!!!!

    …… With fondness,
    love& respect,

    ~ Beth 🙂

  6. Cathy Avatar

    My mother loved making us rhubarb and strawberry pie when I was growing up. Both grew in our garden. My mother liked it raw too and put it in her special coleslaw salad. It was just a bit too tart for us kids in anything but pie. Ben, when you add strawberries to the pie, do you change any of the other ingredients? I am eager to try your recipe, but I know that my husband and MIL need the sweetness of the berries for their taste.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Cathy, I wouldn’t alter the recipe…I’d sub half a pound of sliced strawberries for half a pound of the rhubarb. But this recipe results in a VERY sweet pie as it is.

  7. Tara Suceska Avatar

    Delicious over vanilla ice cream! It grows like crazy here (I’m in southern Ontario) and once it’s established in your yard it’s impossible to kill even if you try. I can’t imagine paying 6.00 a pound for it. We can always find someone giving it away every spring. I will be trying this recipe this June when our’s is ready. We still have 8 ft snow banks here.

  8. hasteur Avatar

    Every time we came back from the grandparents/relatives in Northern Colorado we always came back with a box filled with mason jars of Rhubarb jellies/jams/etc in addition to 2 or 3 bags worth of carefully wrapped (in moist paper towels). For the week after we had rhubarb crisp as desert (warm) or as breakfast (cold from the fridge). Such a treat. Shame we have to go the super premium stores and time it just right to get a moderate supply

  9. Brian Greulach Avatar

    Ben I have a recipe I have been playing with that is a take on a Strawberry Rhubarb pie, but is a Strawberry Rhubarb Cupcake. So far all good raves about it, but me wanting things perfect I keep tweaking it, for the better. lol
    Have never had a Rhubarb pie without strawberries in it but will now try one!! Any suggestions on the best way to maybe make the crust gluten free?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hey, Brian! I can’t give you good guidance on gluten free crust, but check out my friend Marie Porter, a cookbook author who is finalizing a master gluten free cookbook that will be out soon. She’s amazing!

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