Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Transforming Thanksgiving Leftovers

So it’s the day after Thanksgiving and your fridge is exploding with a mangled turkey carcass, half a pan of stuffing, gobs of gelatinous cranberry sauce…and you’ve got no idea what to do, right?

Don’t microwave another paper plate filled with stale leftovers.  Transform the leftovers into something different and better!

 Turkey Meat

Tamales Coming from Texas, Mexican food is always at the forefront of my mind.  What I do with virtually all my leftover turkey meat is convert it into tamales, which I then freeze in preparation for a Christmas Eve tamale feast.  (This is a tradition in Mexico.)  To make your turkey meat into tamale filling, simply chop it up and mix it with some finely chopped onions and garlic, along with generous amounts of chile powder and cumin.  If your turkey was a bit dry, you can solve this problem by making a roux with 4 Tablespoons of butter and 4 Tablespoons of flour.  When the flour begins to turn golden, add 3 cups of hot milk and stir until it begins to thicken, then add a cup or two of shredded pepper jack cheese and stir until it melts.  Then stir this cheese sauce into your turkey/onion mixture which will keep it moist and yummy.  Follow the directions on the back of a package of masa harina for tamales, which is available at most grocery stores these days in either the Latino foods section, or with the flour.  (You can order it on the internet or get it at a Latin American market if your local grocery store doesn’t carry it.)  Then take corn husks that you’ve soaked in hot water for a couple of hours, spread on the masa, place the filling in the center, and roll it up!  There are lots of YouTube videos on how to shape tamales…it’s very simple.  And since I usually have lots of nieces and nephews around at Thanksgiving, all those extra hands make short time making tamales!  Steam them for an hour, then let them cool.  Eat some fresh, and freeze the rest for Christmas!

Enchiladas Any recipe for chicken enchiladas converts beautifully to work with turkey.  Make a similar filling for the tamales above, except add 6 cups of milk to the roux and melt 8-12 oz of pepper jack into it.  Instead of mixing the cheese sauce into the filling, take corn tortillas and dip them into the warm cheese sauce for a few moments, then put some filling into the center and roll up the tortilla.  Place the enchiladas into a long pyrex cooking dish.  Pour the remaining sauce over the top.  Cover with foil and bake at 350F for 30 minutes.  Yummy!

Flautas/Taquitos This is a great way to use leftovers, particularly if you deep fried your turkey, because you’ve probably still got a giant pot of oil sitting around.  Even if your turkey was full of cajun spices, these translate easily into Mexican food.  Make the same filling for tamales including the cheese sauce.  Fill corn or flour tortillas with the filling, roll it up and poke a toothpick through to hold the tortilla in place, then deep fry in 375F oil until golden brown.

Egg Rolls Turkey meat makes delicious egg rolls…another great way to reuse fry oil if you’ve fried your turkey.  Don’t worry about Cajun spices, either, it will just make the egg rolls taste better!  Get egg roll wrappers in the refrigerated part of the produce section in your grocery store.  Fill the wrappers with diced turkey, sliced cabbage, scrambled egg, and shredded carrots.  Deep fry at 350F until golden brown.  I like to dip my egg rolls into sweet chili sauce, which is usually available in either the Asian section or the marinade/salad dressing aisle of the grocery store.  (Or make your own!)


Regardless of the type of stuffing you made, stuffing makes the most delicious filling for omelets!  Just reheat the stuffing in the microwave so it’s warm.  Then fill your omelet with it.  If you like, also add crumbled bacon, a dollop of sour cream, and some shredded cheese.  You won’t BELIEVE how good this is, and a 3 egg omelet filled with stuffing is a MASSIVE meal for one person…it can even be served for dinner!

Cranberry Sauce

I encourage you to make your own cranberry sauce.  (Here’s MY recipe if you want it.)  But even if you have that nasty can of gelatinous ooze left over, crush it up with a fork to improve the texture.  Toss in some diced banana or apple, maybe a few chopped up pecans or walnuts.  Now you’ve got yourself a DELICIOUS topping for pancakes or waffles (particularly pumpkin gingerbread pancakes!).  Heat it up and use it as crepe filling.  Or top vanilla ice cream with it!  YUMMY!

Turkey Carcass

A picked-over turkey carcass makes delicious stock, which you can immediately turn into any number of soups, or freeze in ziploc bags in 2 cup amounts for use throughout the winter.  If you have a pressure cooker that will hold the carcass (you can cut it up a bit if you need to), fill it with water (but not over your max fill line) and toss in carrots, celery, onions, and garlic, (no need to peel anything) and process at full pressure for 30 minutes.  If you’re using a stock pot, cover the turkey bones by a few inches, add your veggies, and simmer (NOT boil!) for 2 hours.  Strain off your ingredients and throw them away.  Now you’ve got a perfect stock!

You can immediately turn that stock into a hearty soup, either a turkey with veggies and dumplings, or my personal favorite, tortilla soup!  TO the stock, add your leftover turkey meat, some sliced carrot and potato, roasted poblano peppers, and simmer until the carrots are just crisp-tender.  Then throw in some diced onion and garlic and simmer for 10 minutes.  Season to taste with salt, pepper, chili powder, and cumin.  Then thicken by adding masa harina a few Tablespoons at a time until you get your desired thickness.  Serve it with crisp tortilla chips on top, along with sour cream and shredded cheese or crumbled queso fresco.  Delicious on a cold Black Friday after hours of shopping!

These are just a few simple suggestions.  I know that you have your own go-to leftover transformations, so please share them with us by commenting below!

10 responses to “Transforming Thanksgiving Leftovers”

  1. Joi (@Joi_the_Artist) Avatar

    Another great option is chilaquiles: fried corn tortillas, sauteed in a spicy sauce (I like salsa verde but some people use adobo or chipotle sauce), topped with lots of turkey meat, a fried egg with a runny yolk, and served with avocado slices and sour cream. You’d never know you were eating leftovers! Here’s a pic of the chilaquiles I made for my family this morning:

    1. Ben Avatar

      Joi, you’ve got me drooling. Chilaquiles are one of my FAVORITE breakfast dishes!

  2. sylvie Avatar

    makes me hungry! I`ll be getting my christmas turkey soon. always plenty of leftovers to eat for weeks.

  3. Jamie Gardner Avatar

    As soon as you said tamales, I thought “Genius!” and commenced drooling (even though I just ate) because I could taste them already.

  4. Gregory Wright Avatar
    Gregory Wright

    Nothing tastes better to me than a fresh turkey sandwich. But we also used to immediately make Turkey Tetrazzini or crepes. Or Turkey salad, like chicken or tuna salad. Stuffing was always devoured to the end.

  5. Sara Ann Avatar
    Sara Ann

    Ben, this is wonderful…gets me thinking about turkey tacos, too. My favorite, of course, remains turkey noodle casserole. I’d love to see your recipe for that.

  6. TexasFoodGirl Avatar

    Hi Ben! I use the carcass to make a stock, let that stock cook down a little to really concentrate the flavor, sautéed onions, carrots, celery and potatoes are added along with my left over turkey meat and the left over turkey gravy. (also a little poultry seasoning, sage and fresh cracked pepper and MAYBE salt) The gravy is the key ingredient. Adds lots of flavor and thickens the stew almost like a roux would. I always make extra gravy just so I know I’ll have some left over to use for my turkey soup….er, stew… Not sure which one to call it 🙂

    1. Ben Avatar

      Wow, that is a GREAT idea! Sounds delicious…thanks for sharing!

  7. Bonnie Avatar

    Hi Ben – been known to take turkey carcass off anyone’s hands! Turkey carcass is a marvel. It simmers for more like 4 hours: stock is not clear, but bone flavor really gets in there (and I always seem to start with too much water!). Our well water has no chlorine or flouride in it to change the flavors. With my new stove, on which I can better regular temps, I can see cooking it overnight.

    Bought a big sieve at Aldi’s for under $8 that fits over my sink – best investment for soup making, to drain out all the solids. Anything not onion or bone goes to the dog and cat. They line up for it! We got the cat, 4 months old, 2 weeks before Thanksgiving, and on Thanksgiving morning, she went up a tree over 60 feet up. We could not get her to come down. Friday morning she was still there. So I started cooking our carcass. 2PM, I put that pot of hot stock out to cool on our 2nd story deck, just west of where she was. Two hours later, come nightfall, hubby coaxed her down. That smell could make anyone “mad” hungry!

    all my stock makes into “almost no fat” (chill the stock in quart containers to easily remove all the fat) low sodium “Turkey Vegetable ONION soup”. Uses 3 types of onion, a cup or 2 of chopped leftover turkey, the long cooked stock, and whatever else is at hand for veggies, canned, fresh or frozen. One constant is that we use a lot of celery in Thanksgiving feast: all the tops are reserved for this stock and soup making. Leftover fresh herbs are often piled in, too. This is where I clean out the frig, crisper and freezer of all the partial bags of veggies, you know the ones, when you only need 2 cups but not the whole bag of frozen peas or corn? Cabbage, bean sprouts, sugar snap peas, dried mushrooms, whatever. If using canned items, put in right at the end of cooking. If red beets are used, it will be pink soup!

    It is SOOOO good, I took a BIG crock pot of it to our Christmas get together at the YMCA, and styrofoam cups to serve it in. This get together is interesting, because everyone wants delicious, but everyone is very, very health conscious, too. My soup was a hit, not a drop was left. We keep this in the freezer, and warm it whenever someone feels a cold coming on.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Bonnie, that soup sounds EPIC, thanks for sharing!!

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