Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Beurre Blanc (white wine butter sauce)

Beurre blanc is a classic French sauce made with butter, white wine, and shallots.  I recently made this sauce at a cooking demonstration to prove how important it is to cook with quality wine, and I promised I’d post the recipe.  It’s a very simple sauce to make, and it goes fabulously with fish and shellfish, or simply with pasta and veggies.

This is my own version of Beurre Blanc.  It uses more wine and less butter than traditional recipes, but I love it this way.

In a heavy skillet over medium heat, combine:

2 Tablespoons butter
1/4 cup shallots, finely minced

Season with a bit of salt and let the shallots sweat for about 5 minutes.  Then add:

1 bottle of good quality dry white wine

Let’s chat about wine.  White wines vary so dramatically in terms of flavor.  I like to use Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc, or a primary blend of the two, in this recipe, but you can experiment with your favorite whites.  White Bordeaux are also lovely.  Just don’t use sweet whites or your sauce will taste like dessert.

Raise the heat until the wine is boiling, and reduce the wine until there’s about a cup left.  While the wine is reducing, take:

1 stick of unsalted butter (4 ounces)

Cut it into small cubes and return it to the fridge.  When the wine is reduced, lower the heat to medium low and begin adding the butter to the wine, a few cubes at a time, whisking constantly.  The butter will emulsify into the wine and the sauce will become thick.  You may need to raise the heat a bit, but you don’t want it at at rolling boil or you may burn your butter and your sauce will separate.  A bare simmer is the strongest it should be.  Once all the butter is incorporated into the sauce, remove it from heat.  Add:

1 Tablespoon of a fresh herb, finely minced (thyme is my favorite, tarragon or sage also make lovely beurre blancs)

Then season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper, and serve immediately!

6 responses to “Beurre Blanc (white wine butter sauce)”

  1. Ayleyaell Avatar

    Picture please so I can pin this on my Yummy Sexy Sauces board? I am a bit unpracticed and timid cook and do so appreciate your recipes, the whys as well as the techniques! My bucket list includes a fabulous Frank meal! What is the timing between winning a Frank lottery and the actual meal? I’d need to factor in plane tickets from San Diego….

    1. Ben Avatar

      No pictures of this one. Sauces, like curries, aren’t pretty unless they are draped across something gorgeous. 🙂 We will always confirm out of towners at FRANK well in advance of the lottery. If you want to plan a trip to Dallas, we’ll coordinate with you ahead of time…at least as early as we know our dates. There will not be any more FRANKs until late September.

  2. lcromwell Avatar

    Wow thanks for the sauce recipe Ben.

  3. A. Kinder Avatar

    Thanks Ben I was able to use the Pinterest button on your site which gives a rather odd 2 half pictures from your header. No matter I have the recipe where I can find it again easily. Thanks again! I’m just a lottery win or more likely, gainful employment away from a trip to Dallas so I was hoping to enter the lottery in a few months and then buy plane ticket if I won. Meanwhile, I’ll be dreaming!

  4. debbs in tx Avatar
    debbs in tx

    I never drink wine, but I have cooked with it, although it’s been a few years since I’ve even done that. What would you serve this over? Would it go nicely with fish?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Debbs, this sauce is fantastic with fish and shellfish. It also goes great with white meat chicken.

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